Chapter Six

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°Brookes pov°
I swear when I "died" or did what I did I saw my mom and dad who have passed away quite a few years back which made me not want to wake up... I miss my family being together... All these years I grew up with them until I was maybe 14... And im now turning 17 in like 3 days. So its unbelievable... When they passed away I moved in with Matt and his family because they were my legal guardians. But they signed off on me when I turned 16 because I was on my own anyway.
Anyway I saw my parents and they talked to me saying how much my friends need me... How bad they were and Jack... He was a fucking mess and I had to wake up for them... It seemd like we talked for days but it was only a few hours and it was honestly amazing... I knew I had to wake up... Shortly after my parents dissappeared from my mind I could hear Jack crying and talking about how much he hates himself for not helping me and everyone else was hugging him and calming him down but I never knew he cared that much about me. A few moments later my eyes opened and I could see them... Madison glanced over then yelled "BROOKE" causing me to giggle everyone stopped crying and turned around and took turns on hugging me. The last one was Jack and when he hugged me I started crying. I took the tubes out myself causing alarms to go off and nurses came running in "oh my god your okay" said the one. "Thank god" said another. They were really nice and helped me. We talked for a couple minutes then handed me papers so I could leave. It was around 11:00-12:00 by this time so I signed them as fast as I could and we left

When we got to the hotel Jack held my hand and we walked into the room, I changed into a a pair of underware and a long baggy hoodie before laying down, Jack then took his shirt off and left his shorts on before laying down next to me and pulling me closer to him as I fell into a deep sleep.

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