Scarlet Salazar

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Scarlet is the sister of sixteen year old Rex Salazar. She is twenty-three years old and she is the hand-to-hand combat teacher. She has worked for Providence since they found her and Rex. She has known how to fight since she was ten.

She has long blue hair which she will usually has in a high ponytail. Her eyes are a light brown. She wears a brown jacket with a purple leather jumpsuit. She also has black knee high boots. When not in Providence she wears the same brown jacket with a tank top and jeans.

She uses a long katana with a purple tent to it. She also has two pistols that are powered by electricity and don't have to be reloaded or charged. She has the power to heal any type of wound and she controls electricity. She has a special type of sunglasses that allow her to see through anything. Her jumpsuit is bulletproof and it is made of the strongest leather ever made.

She is a very strong individual who doesn't take anything from anyone. She is serious while at work, but whenever she isn't doing her job she is less serious. She is kind and loving to everyone who knows her. She is also a very protective person. If you hurt someone she loves she won't stop until she gets pay back. She is also not forgiving if you do something that puts her family and friends in danger.

Like Rex she doesn't know anything about her family. She sees Bobo as a best friend and she also has a very small crush on Agent Six. She dislikes Dr. Holiday because Holiday treats her like she is a moron. She dislikes White Knight because he tries to control her and her brother.

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