Chapter "You need a day off.

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"Why only me?" Six asked.

"Because you need a day off." I said smiling at him.

"I'll take a day off only if you come with me."

"Deal." I said laughing.

He walked away to pack his bag while I went and made plans for us to go to the beach.

"So where we going?" Rex asked walking up to me smirking.

"Six and I are going to a beach you are staying here." I said glaring at him.

"Why? That's not---- never mind have fun sis."

"If you do anything to make us come back early I will kill you got it?"

"Yep just remember name your kid after me."

"Rex I will kill you." I said as he ran away.

I walked to my room to pack my clothes. I grabbed a swim suit and some shoes. After I was packed I walked to Six's room to make sure he was packed.

"So what should I bring?" He asked as I walked into the room.

"Cool clothes that you would wear on a sunny day and swim shorts." I said leaning against the door frame.

He went to his closet and grabbed some clothes and neatly put them in his suitcase.

"How long will we be gone?"

"Four days hopefully Rex doesn't mess anything up." I said laughing.

We walked out of his room and made it to his jet. He had me buckle up and then he started it up and we left for the beach. White Knight gave us a beach house so we could have some privacy.

"This is nice." Six sad walking into the house.

"Yea so what room do you want?"

"Any one is fine by me." He said walking up the stairs.

We picked our rooms and unpacked. For the first day we just stayed in the house reading and that night we went out to get dinner at a restaurant.

"This is beautiful." I said as we made it to the dock.

"Yea it is."

"So quick question who did you have a date with that day Rex locked us in the closet?" I asked smiling.

"Holiday insisted that I have dinner with her...... she whined for a month because we didn't have it." He said frowning.

"Do you like her?"

"No I'm in love with someone else." He said not looking at me.

"I see she must be something special."

"You are." He whispered.

"What?" I asked thinking I heard him wrong.

"You are special." He said looking down at me.

"Do you mean she is special?" I asked with my back against the boards.

"No I mean you." He said as he leaned down and kissed me.

On instinct I reached up and pulled him closer to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held onto me like his life depended on it.

"I love you." I whispered after we pulled away.

"I love you more." He said kissing me again.

We made it to the house and went to our bed. The next days were filled with quick kisses and late night. I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Hello gorgeous." Six said kissing my neck.

"So what now?" I asked turning around facing him.

"We go back and I get to tell Caeser that we are together." He said smirking.

"So no more secrets?"

"No more secrets." He said kissing me.

We made it home the next day and told everyone about how we were dating. Let's just say Rex and Bobo were happy.

Generator Rex Scarlet Salazar Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt