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It's hard to breathe this morning.

One of the worst feelings as an adult has to be working your ass off and not being able to get ahead. Putting in so many hours of work while staring at the pittance left after bills, and rent, wondering how you are going to put food on the table. Having to choose between food and laundry or gas for the car. Taking every little odd job and side venture you can find in the hopes of squeaking ahead or having something come through during those really difficult weeks.  

There are no easy fixes. It feels like quicksand. Sucking you down. Every small failure sucks you deeper. It rises, cutting off your air. It is an agonizing slow descent that you feel closing around you. You think as long as you can keep your head above, you can still breathe, you'll make it through, but there is also a constant pressure on your chest. Each breath gets harder. 

This isn't the worst it's been. We have survived through worse. But every time sucks. You just keep clawing your way up, but you never really break free. 

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