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Azalea Miller

-3 & 1/2 years ago; junior year-


I walked to school today because I didn't want to deal with them. The whole day went by as I thought. Sam kept trying to talk to me. Gilinsky kept defending him, so did JJ and Nate stuck by me because he didn't know what actually happened.

Today was different at school we had a assembly after lunch till the end of school. It was just boring stuff. The principal went over what he expected from everyone for the last quarter, and things coming up. Some teachers spoke about help they can give for before finals.

Nobody was listening at least I wasn't nor was Nate, JJ, Gilinsky and Sam. We actually all sat by each other, I sat next to Nate and on the other side of him was JJ then G then Sam. I made sure to be as far away from him as I could.

I sighed and rested my head on Nate's shoulder, it felt like we had been in this assembly for ever in reality it was only 45 minutes in.

The whole time I didn't look up to who ever was talking nor did I look to my left because Sam was that way and I could feel him looking at me, every once it a while my eyes would catch a little bit of his stare. I could also hear Gilinsky, JJ and Sam whispering, they suck at whispering so I would of been able to hear them but I didn't want to so I tuned them out and ignored them.

In the corner of my eye I saw Sam lean forward and started to slowly make his way over to me while looking around to see if any teachers were watching him.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I whispered to Nate and he nodded then nodded again when he saw Sam.

I grabbed my backpack and I stood up. "Excuse me." I said quietly as I pushed past some students.

Once I was finally out, I walked down the hall to get a drink and go wait out till the end of school in the bathroom.

"Az', baby please." Sam whisper-shouted. The hallway was so quiet and you could hear who ever that was talking in the assembly loud and clear.

I kept on walking not looking back. "Azalea." He whisper-shouted again. "Please," he pleaded, as he grabbed a hold of my hand stopping me.

I didn't turn around, "Let go of me." I whispered sternly.

"Only if you let me talk." He said quietly.

"One minute." I whispered and he let go of my hand and I turned around crossing my arms over my chest.

"Me and Emma didn't do anything." He whispered. "I promise. I would never do that to you, I do care and like you. I meant my promise that I wouldn't hurt you."

"Bull." I whisper-shouted at him. "If you actually meant that promise and did care for me why didn't you do shit when Emma said any of that?"

"I was taken back, before you came we all were having a normal conversation. Nothing happened on Friday." He whispered a little loud.

"Then where were you when me and Sasha went dancing, we came back you three were gone and Nate was only there." I whispered back really loud, if I got any louder the whole room filled with the student body would of heard me.

"Me and the Jacks went to go smoke and Nate didn't want to so he stayed behind." he stated quietly.

"I don't believe that, Sam." I shook my head and took a step back.

"What? Why?" He whispered-shout almost to loud.

"Because it's Nate for god sakes the guy would never pass up an opportunity to smoke." I said quietly but yet loudly back. "So, again another lie, Sam." I said pointing a finger at him.

"Another?" He asked confused.

"Yes, another lie you've told me." I nodded and cross my arms back over my chest. "You lied about not hurting me, caring about me, everything you said and about Friday night."

"Azalea no, you have it wrong." He started but I cut him off.

"Samuel no," I shook my head and put my hand up. "No, I don't want to hear your excuses and lies."

And with that I turned on my heels and instead of taking a right to where the bathrooms are I took a left straight out of school.


Never mind I lied, just like Sam, everything is gonna go down next chapter 😏

770 words

8/3/17 | 777 words - edited

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