09- Sick Days

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Beyoncé hadn't been feeling well all last night and she was exhausted. She had a meeting in the next hour and she was nowhere near ready.

"Ma you good?" Niyla asked as she watched Bey fan herself. She was hot as hell and sweating up a storm.

"Yes baby I'm fine," she said before she sneezed and coughed at the same time.

Her throat was on fire and her head was pounding.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yes I just need some more rest," Beyoncé said trying to convince herself.

"Okay, you need anything else?" Niyla asked.

"Yes wake me up in ten minutes," she mumbled.

Three Hours later

Beyoncé woke up with more problems her whole body was aching and she felt like she was short of breath. She looked at the clock and realized she had missed her important meeting. This deal was huge and had the potential to make her the Richest woman in Los Angeles.

However, she knew it was a no go she'd missed it. She could only imaging  the other partners blowing a gasket.

"Fuck," she mumbled feeling her head pound.

"Bey, I made you some soup." Shawn said.

"I don't want it," She told him.

"Come on baby you gotta eat," Shawn coaxed.

"No my throat hurts," she said and Shawn sighed.

"You want to go to the doctor?" Shawn asked.

"No I want to sleep," she said.

"Okay," he replied. "I'll be back to check on you in a little while."

8 hours later

"She's been sleep all day but I also think she could possibly be pregnant." Shawn said to his mother. He flew her down because because Beyoncé wasn't willing to go to a doctor and he didn't want to force her to go to the hospital. So he contacted his mother.

"Well, if she's pregnant I can't give her anything son except Tylenol. It does look like she may have the flu and her temperature is 101.4 it's it goes up to 102 she needs to see a doctor. It's not safe for the baby. She needs plenty of fluids and some soup so she can at least eat. " Gloria explained.

"Ma she won't listen," Shawn said.

"Then make her," she said before asking where she would be sleeping.
Shawn showed her to her room and went to check on the girls. They had a whole day to themselves and didn't enjoy it because they had been worried about Bey.

"How's mom?" Niyla asked and all the girls turned their heads waiting for an answer.

"She's resting," He answered.

"Still?" Izzy inquired.

"Yes, she has the flu so y'all going to have to stay away from her." Shawn said.

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