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Y'all are acting like the girl has never gone clubbing before and been able to stay sober.

I don't agree with who she's hanging out with (snoop dog, bella thorne, etc.) But it's not like she's getting pissed every night and high so calm yourselves. I understand it's worrying but she's an adult and at the end of the day after everything I know, if she wants to fuck this up for herself then let her, everyone trys to hard to help her and if she won't listen then that's her own fault.

The partying is a bit weird too I admit, from what I've heard though she's getting use to being on her own and trying to celebrate being on her own, plus she just moved into her new house which does look like a massive party house.

Tbh I think all of this is a phase, she'll get sick of it in a month or two and talk about how she'd rather stay home and shit again.

She's 24 and has been sober for 5 years, at what point do you just go "she's an adult, she'll do what she'll do whether we agree with it or not"?

I'm personally not worried, and I know even some of her closest friends aren't worried either.

I could say something else but I don't want to get dragged through the mud so I'll leave it at that 😅

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