Dilmer Fake-Up (Part I)

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Question: There's a lot of speculation as to whether or not Demi and Wilmer actually broke up. What actually happened?

This will be a two part thing because there's a lot to explain. As I stated in my disclaimer, if you don't want to believe it, then don't, but don't come for me. I honestly couldn't care less whether you agree with me or not, I know it's true so if you're going to try and argue with me, don't waste your time.

There's been a lot of stories going around about what happened between Demi and Wilmer. I've seen stuff from him being abusive, to their relationship becoming one resembaling a brother and sister. Neither of which are true. Some have come close to being true. I've even seen some stories on here of people claiming to know Demi or Wilmer personally and knowing what happened, again, not true.

There's so much to explain, so bare with me.

Basically, we all remember the day that Demi and Wilmer announced their break-up, yes? They weren't even in the same state. Right off the bat, it was quite shady. That would be because they didn't actually break-up.

As we know, Demi went on tour with Nick Jonas last year. Phil (Nick and Demi's manager) wanted Demi to be single for the tour because then there would be a possibility, or an idea of Nick and Demi being an item. They never would be even if Demi was actually single for the tour, but the media would still have a field way with it.
Of course Demi didn't want to break up with Wilmer, and she never would for money or something so stupid. Would she fake their break up though? Yes.

In Phil's mind, more publicity for Nick and Demi, especially with the rumours of them being 'together', would mean more money in his pocket.

It worked I guess. The media didn't exactly pick up on the whole Nemi relationship thing, but the fans and general public did. That was from what I saw anyway.

That is why they announced their break-up. To clarify, no, they were not actually broken up when they announced it!

During the tour, they did text, meet up, etc. but unfortunately, their relationship did eventually come to an end.

I will make a part two explaining all of that soon.
This explanation was quite vague, but it answers the question. If you have any questions regarding anything a bit more specific about the events, then feel free to message me.

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