"How?" She gasps as she looks at me. Only now remembering me because she's looking at me. Once she looks away, she'll forget...again.
"Erm, it's something called magic. I'm not sure if you've heard of it but apparently it's pretty good stuff. Keep away from children though, wouldn't want a nasty accident now would we?" I grin as Peter walks around the blonde and stands slightly in front of me protectively.

"Where's my son?" she frowns as her attention flips back on Peter after having dismissed my wonderful comment. Brat!

"Henrys alive, if that's what you're worried about" Peter smirks at the obviously worried mother.
"For now," I whisper more to myself and Peter; I see his ears tilt up slightly at the bigger grin on his face as I can only see the back of his messy hair and sticky out ears.

"Why the hell did you take him?" Emma nearly shouts as she takes a step forward and points her sword at us like a child.
"He's a very special boy Emma," my Peter says calmly back; when really, I can feel through the linking spell he's paranoid about me being around a woman flailing a sword about.

I reach forward and interlace my hand with his, bringing us closer so he knows I'm safe.

"I know. That doesn't answer my question," she almost growls, "what do you want with him?"

"I came here to see who I was up against," he pulls me into his side, "we are up against" I smile up at him, "gotta say, I'm not disappointed" his smirk matching my own dangerous one.

"What do you say now?" She babbles on. Will someone please just shut this woman up! She asks too many questions for my liking. Too pushy. "You're gonna tell me how I'm never going to see Henry again?"

"No, I'm going to help you find him" he smiles cheekily. Her face of shock is a picture; the way her eyebrows shoot up her forehead and almost into her tatty hairline is brilliant. "I'll give you a map. A map that will lead you straight to your son" I waved my hand that isn't locked into Peters grip and produce a blank, well worn, parchment of enchanted paper and give it to my love.

"If this is some sort of trap..," she wearily takes it from Peter.

"I may not be the most well-behaved boy on the island, but I always keep my promises. The path to finding Henry is on this parchment." I could hear the sign of a catch in his voice, the little devil.

"Why are you giving it to me?" Oh, for goodness sakes woman we're helping you, sort of, find your son and you're wondering why? Why don't you play our little mind game and find out. It's not as if we're going to tell you is it? Stupid woman. Sometimes I do wonder what makes an adult so mature and 'wise' when I would have taken the map and ran with it.

"See, it's not about finding Henry. It's about how you find him." Peter begins to turn us away and into the thickness of the dark trees, "And, Emma you are the only one who can."

I listen to her open the paper. Peter now almost hiding me in the darkness of the shadows with his frame,

"it's blank!" the unimpressed adult spits
"You'll be able to read that map once you stop denying who you really are" Peter honestly tells her as we disappear into the hungry shadows

"Have fun!" I cheerily call over my shoulder at the bemused woman as she glances around for us but only able to hear my echoing voice bouncing off the looming trees surrounding her.

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