CH 19

41 5 3


'dear chennie,
can you hear me up there?
i hope you do.
its been 3 years. a lot has happened.
i miss you, badly. but dont worry, i tried to live happier.
a part of me is still recovering.
dont worry about that.
i have flowers, and good news.
i got accepted in the company! thanks to you.
here's a white rose.
i knew you loved those.
ever since we were little, you would pick from Mrs. Park's garden.
you mischievious little girl.
i better get going now,
my boss is calling me.
take care up there.
i love and miss you chennie.'

i left the rose on top of her grave.
shedding a tear as i do.
i miss her.
but shes in a better place.
wait for me there.
it would take long,
but wait for me.

yours, taetae.


T H E  E N D

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