"What does Kate want?" Noah asks his son worriedly.

"We... don't know. I might have been looking through some of your cases earlier... the strange murders happening in Beacon County, but are getting closer to Beacon Hills. The pack and I are pretty sure that it's Kate. Werejaguars are very... thorough in their killings, I guess." Stiles shrugs nonchalantly, hoping his dad wouldn't catch onto what Stiles said that he did.

"Wait, you've been looking through my cases?" The Sheriff asked with narrowed eyes.

"Out of everything I said, you only got that? Really Dad?" Stiles sighs exasperatedly.

"They are private cases, Stiles. A teenage boy should not be looking through them." The Sheriff responds in a firm tone. "Ah, you know me, Dad. When I see something that people tell me that I can't look at or open, of course I'm going to do the opposite. I have a need to see what could be so bad that people wouldn't want me knowing about." Stiles replies with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Of course you do the opposite of what you're told." The Sheriff sighs and shakes his head, knowing his son was right. "So, how are we going to find Kate exactly?" The Sheriff asks, deciding to change the topic a little bit.

"Argent is working on it. He's trying to track her down. I thought I could help out by trying to find a pattern with Kate's murders, but I don't have anything so far, they all seem like random killings." Stiles answers, feeling a little frustrated with himself. He took pride in always figuring mysteries out. He always saw the patterns, always placing the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle in place. This time however, he has nothing. The murders are so random. The only thing that Stiles can come up with is that Kate can't control her werejaguar side and lashes out at anyone, which of course isn't going to help Stiles and the others find her or figure out what she wants.

"Despite everything Dad, I still came straight home after school. No detours, no nothing. I didn't even go to the pack meeting tonight, so I guess you can be happy about that." Stiles rolls his eyes in annoyance. He has been completely perfect with this grounding, which is quite unusual for him. Well, except for Malia staying over for the night, but Stiles was never telling his dad that. Stiles doesn't need to be grounded for any longer than he already is or have 'the talk' with his dad again. It was bad enough the first time. It would just be even worse the second time around, especially since Stiles is a bit older. The Sheriff sighs and sits down on the edge of Stiles' bed.

"Look Stiles, I've been thinking and because of your conduct today, I decided that instead of a month you'll be grounded until next Friday. Just as long as you don't go on another suicide mission to Mexico. Got it?" The Sheriff offers the deal to Stiles. All annoyance quickly disappears from Stiles, replaced by happiness.

"Yup, got it. Thanks, Dad. You're the best!" Stiles grins widely. The Sheriff smiles back at his son. He pats Stiles' leg and stands up. "I think I should head to bed, I have an early shift tomorrow. You should go to sleep too, Stiles." The Sheriff suggests to his son. Stiles nods.

"Alright. I didn't find out much on berserkers or werejaguars anyway." Stiles answers.

"Goodnight, kiddo. See you in the morning." The Sheriff says as he stands up and starts walking out of the room.

"Goodnight, Dad. Love you!" Stiles calls out cheerfully.

"Love you too, Stiles." Noah Stilinski replies with a light chuckle before leaving his son's bedroom and walks down the hall.


Stiles groans as he hears his annoying alarm beep loudly to his right, he shifts his position in bed trying to find a comfortable position to sleep again. Ugh, Wednesday, the absolute worst. It's the middle of the week, so there is nothing good to expect for the next day.

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