Chapter Nine - A Safe Haven Filled With Secrets

Start from the beginning

    "Felix is fine with you being here," Mark insists.

    "There's no need to sugar-coat it, Mark.  I'm not dumb."  Jack exhales heavily, his voice turning to a mumble.  "I don't need to hear a conversation to know what people feel.  Body language really gives it away."

    The hero sighs, resting his head against his hand and saying nothing.  After a few moments of silence, Jack lifts his gaze to Mark slightly.

    "Why are you just watching me with your puppy dog eyes?" the Irishman asks softly.  "What do you want?"

    "I want you to stay here," Mark replies, resting his chin on Jack's knee.  "I want my little prince with me because we spent three months apart and that hurt like Hell, and then you randomly show up at my door in an absolute panic.  I want you to be safe and I also want you to sleep so you look a little bit less like death just knocked on your front door."

    Jack rolls his eyes, burying his face in his knees to hide the slight smile that tugs at his lips.  "Shut up."

    Mark grins.  "Maybe, if you got sleep and love on a regular basis, you'd smile more."

    "We'll never know until we try," Jack replies, smiling weakly.

    The American immediately perks up.  "So you'll stay?"

    "If you were a dog, your tail would be going a mile a minute."  When Mark gives him another puppy-dog gaze, Jack sighs.  "Yeah, I'll stay.  I'll still go to the institute for work of course, but..."

    The hero's entire face brightens as he jumps to his feet and leads Jack away from the couch.  The villain makes a noise of protest, but doesn't fight very hard as he allows Mark to take him away.

    "I think you should know beforehand that there's a lot I can't handle," Jack says softly.

    "I think we can work it out, ye of little faith," Mark replies.

    The Irishman rolls his eyes, although the brightness that had occupied his eyes for a moment slowly falls away.  "Hey Mark, was Felix always like that?"

    Mark glances at him, his eyebrows furrowed.  "What, angry and skeptical?"  Jack says nothing and the hero sighs.  "No, he used to be pretty goofy.  It's just, ever since Marzia died he hasn't really been the same.  There are days where he's feeling okay and acts like his old self, and there are days like today where he just picks fights and sulks around.  Can you really blame him, though?"

    Jack shakes his head and walks with his shoulder pressed lightly against Mark's.  The hero wraps his arm around the Irishman's waist, using his free hand to push open the nearby door.  Jack grimaces lightly when Mark's arm presses into his back, but says nothing.

    "This is my room, which we're gonna share," the hero says, stepping inside.  "Down the hall are the other bedrooms and some spare rooms."  He glances at the Irishman and grins, gesturing to the small ensuite.  "I got the ensuite because I was too weak to walk down the hall to the washroom.  I got the best room ever, so thank Anti for that."

    Jack grimaces again, his hand tightening around Mark's.  "Don't congratulate me for shooting you."

    "I didn't.  You didn't shoot me."


    "You didn't."  The hero's face hardens for a moment before brightening again, and in one smooth movement he pulls Jack close to his chest.  "We've got the best room in the base all to ourselves, baby."

    The Irishman turns bright red, and after a second he wraps his arms around Mark's waist.  He rests his head on his shoulder and shuts his eyes, pressing a gentle kiss to his neck.  "I can't wait."  He pauses, exhaling deeply.  "Would you mind terribly if I slept?  It's been a really long night and I don't think I've recovered 100% yet from... that."

    Mark smiles against his hair.  "As long as I get to cuddle you, I'm perfect."

    "Sounds good.  Just... be careful, okay?"

    "What, why?"  Mark glances down at him, concern flooding his features.  "Jack, what happened?"

    "Nothing.  Don't worry about it."  The Irishman pulls himself away from Mark and rubs the back of his neck.  "I don't have any pyjamas here.  Can I borrow some of yours?"

    "Yeah, go ahead."  Mark takes a deep breath and watches as the villain digs through his drawer and retrieves a shirt and pyjama pants.  "Jack... it's not nothing.  You can tell me."

    Pain swirls in Jack's eyes as he glances back at Mark.  He opens his mouth to speak, but closes it before a single sound can escape.  He exhales heavily before trying again.  "I'm going to change in the ensuite.  Get the bed nice and warm for me, okay?"

    "If it's your scars, you don't need to worry about them.  I've seen them before..."

    Jack slips into the ensuite, shaking his head a bit before closing the door.  Mark watches the closed door, his heart shattering.  What is Jack so afraid of?  Slowly, he changes into his own pyjamas and climbs into bed, trying to ignore the ache in his chest.  A few moments later, the villain emerges from the washroom and climbs into bed, cuddling against Mark.  The hero pulls him closer, but keeps his touches gentle just as Jack asked him to.

    "You can talk to me, Jack.  I don't want you to be scared," he whispers.

    The villain nods lightly.  "I know, I just..."  He takes a deep, shuddering breath and buries his face in Mark's neck.  "...don't want to break your heart."


    "Goodnight, Mark."

    The hero nearly sobs.  Something happened.  Something happened to Jack and he's so afraid of it.  He buries his nose into the villain's hair and shuts his eyes, trying to focus on the fact that Jack is with him and that now, nobody can hurt him.

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