Wake Up

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Cause we've been driving so long, I can't remember how we got here, or how we survived so long,

Sirens. That's all the group heard. Once Aaron had found James of the floor, he immediately called the ambulance. After calling the ambulance he called the rest of their friends. They had all arrived before the ambulance, somehow.

I'm tryna run from our pride, 'til you set fire to my atmosphere,

Once the group arrived at the hospital, they were seated in the waiting room, for about an hour. Until the nurse walked out, "You can all go see James. Call all important people in his life, if you haven't already. He's still asleep, so be quiet. He should wake soon though. He didn't take enough pills to go into a very long lasting coma. He's in room 180." She said.

And I remember how I spent the 23rd, feeling six feet under, when I'm 30,000 feet in the air,

On that note they all dashed for his room. Once they arrived they begin sharing worried whispers. Aaron walked next to James's hospital bed. "Wake up James." He whispered, tears forming in his eyes.

Chasing that sundown, so far east I'm westbound, feeling like the edge of this world is near,

They all talked about calling Thomas. But decided against it. He didn't deserve to see James. Especially when he can't control his gosh dang boyfriend.

But you'll feel better when you wake up, swear that I'll make up, everything and more when I get back someday,

They all heard a faint cry from across the room and directed their attention to James. He seemed to be waking up. Theo and The Schuyler Sisters, walked over to stand by the bed with Aaron.

This is more than just a phase, love, shooting stars all break up, and even though it seems like half the world away,

But James didn't wake up. At least not at that moment. James wasn't in a coma anymore, he was merrily... asleep. He was dreaming though. Dreaming the same events from earlier, except the kept getting worse.

Things will be better in America, heard the streets are gold there, maybe I can fly you out this place someday,

Everytime he dreamt of his suicide attempt, he always stayed alive. He didn't want to. He thought he was dead. He hoped he was dead. Nobody else hoped he was dead, everyone wanted him to, wake up.

Chasing dreams like I'm on Novocain, screaming through your airways, looking back I almost thought I heard you say,

He dreamt of Thomas as well. He dreamt that Thomas was in his hospital room. Which only made him want to sleep forever. James didn't want to go back to the harsh reality. Deep down he knew he would wake up.

Stay, you're not gonna leave me, this place is right where you need to be,

James knew he would wake up, because he didn't take nearly enough pills to put him in a deep coma. Nor did he get the chance to use the razor. Suddenly, he felt himself regain consciousness. He heard about five gasps.

And why your words gotta mean so much to them, and they mean nothing to me,

He opened his eyes and looked around. He frowned. He wasn't dead, he was in a hospital room, with all his friends. Aaron smiled and walked over to his bed, "I'm glad you woke up James." "We all are." Theo added.

So, stay, you're not what you're hearing, 'Cause I've been watching you changing,

"Aren't you glad to be awake?" He heard Angelica's voice. He nodded slightly. "I guess." That was the end of that conversation. They all looked at each other.

And who said you're one in a million, Anyway?

"Maybe, you should stay with one of us for awhile, when you get out of here." He frowned and shook his head. "I'll be fine alone guys." Again they all exchanged worried glances. Didn't they believe him? Probably not. He wouldn't believe himself after last night.

'Cause you see only what you want to, your tunnel vision haunts you, and you can't see what's wrong,

He smiled. He did love his friends. There was a small bit of happiness in him, just for the fact he survived. He didn't wanna leave his friends. He wanted to leave Alex and Thomas. Maybe Thomas would break up with Alex if he knew Alex was a cheater.

When you keep sleeping through the PM, eyes wide open when you're dreaming, you're sleepwalking, just keep talking,

Alex. Alex was the reason James even tried ending his life. He'd always had thoughts of suicide. He never once thought, he actually try to do it. Suddenly, his stomach growled. He was starving. He wouldn't eat though. He didn't want to.

And maybe you can talk your way out of this deep end, no "B" plan in your system,

Of course all his friends heard his stomach growl. "I can go get you something to eat Jimmy James." Peggy offered. He smiled at the nickname, it wasn't something Alex or Thomas called him. It was something and actual friend called him. He found himself nodding as an answer to her question.

Just tell me what you're thinking, I'm scared that you might fall,

So she left to find him food. Theo decided her and Aaron needed to leave and so they said their goodbyes. After they left, it was just him, Angelica, and Eliza in the room.

But you're not,

Sighing when Peggy came back in with what looked like a sandwich. James frowned slightly and began to eat it. He hadn't eaten in a long time. He wasn't anorexic, he just didn't wanna eat. Not for any reason, he just didn't feel it was completely necessary.

But you're not.

A/N hellllloooooooo look Jemmy is alroght.  :) you're welcome for not making him die. C: also this song seriously like makes my heart physically hurt. But it reminded me of ya know, Sad Jemmy, my jewel. So I had to use it. Anyway night. Gotta think of new chapters now :)

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