Blood, Sweat, and Tears

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G/M= Group Member


~G/M pov~

I knew y/n was head over heels for me.  I knew all her blood, all her sweat and all her tears were because of her love for me.  She would do whatever I want even if she didn't want it.  I tell her to do a sexy dance for me, she does it.  I tell her to please my member, she does it.  She's under a spell.  A love spell.  She gives me her body, her mind and her soul on the daily.  I take it all.  But little does y/n know that soon once it's all gone.  The spell she was under will punish her.  I kiss her hard and hold her tight so she doesn't feel the pain.  You're like whiskey, I'll drink you deep into my throat.  I take away all your blood, sweat and tears.  You're left with your cold breath, until I take that away too.  I tie you up so you can't escape.  Then I hold you tight and shake you so you can't come back to your senses.  You drank the poison called love now you cannot worship anyone but me.  It's a secret we keep.  A secret about our love, that nobody will know. 

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