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Nezumi's POV

"Can you please stop that?" I ask Noah as he attempts to climb a tree, only to fall down on his back multiple times.

"I swear I can do this!" Noah exclaims. I must admit that he is one stubborn kid. He will never listen to what anyone says, and that annoys the hell out of me.

"Get down before you break your neck." I watch Noah make another attempt, only to fall back down once again.

"No! You can't tell me what to do. Plus, you ain't my mother," Noah ignores me and uses his hands to grab on to a branch, and try to heave himself up. "Why do you care?"

"Because Tatsu told me to watch over you and finally get you to work with me. I would really like to get out of here as fast as I can, you know?"

Noah continues to ignore me and I can't help but pinch the bridge of my nose in irritation.

A sigh escapes my lips and I give up on trying to get him to stop. "I'll teach you how to climb the god damn tree, okay? Can you just try not to hurt yourself?" Better teach him properly and get him to stop than have him try over and over and fail every time.

"Yay!!" Noah throws his arms up in the air and jumps up and down like a little kid.

I swear, if I don't end up fainting by the time I get out of here, it'd be a miracle. He's practically a child in a teenage body.


Well, it took longer than I thought it would've took, but I eventually managed to get Noah up the tree. It obviously took a lot of patience and a lot of moving his body in weird shapes to finally get him to climb the tree. Now I just hope he doesn't try anything more dangerous. Climbing a tree with his physics and his mentality is quite difficult to accomplish, let alone try anything even harder than that.

I wonder how Shion is doing...

He seemed quite troubled when he saw me, I wonder why? Was the tiredness of my eyes that transparent that even that air head could see it?

To be honest, I had been totally surprised that I saw him in that dream. I haven't been able to talk to him in so long that I was starting to wonder if all the conversations I've had with him before was just my hallucination. But last night's dream was proof that it wasn't my hallucination-that I could actually still contact him.

"Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo!!!!! Nezumiiiiii!!!" I hear Noah screaming from far away and I'm already ready to collapse right here and now. "Teach me how to move swiftly like you!!" He reaches my side and I have to hold back in trying not to pour salt all over him. "You always move around quietly and I never know where you are!!! I wanna learn how to do that!"

Tatsu had definitely lied to me, I must say. Tatsu had said how Noah was distant and never voluntarily worked with anyone, let alone get attached to them, but he's getting attached to me like a koala bear. He follows me wherever I go, and sticks close to me like we're glued together. I had spoken with Tatsu, and all he had said was that he wasn't sure either. He told me that Noah had never gotten attached to someone like this before and he was actually glad that he was getting along with someone.

I'm happy that Noah has finally found someone who he can get attached to and everything, but why does it have to be me? It's not like I'm super nice with him or that I'm a really nice person or anything. I don't see why he would get so close to me, and go as far as follow my every step.

"YOOOOO!" Noah screams in my ears and I have to pinch my eyes closed from the loud sound that escaped his lips.

"Can you please not scream into my ears like that?" I ask, looking up at him ridiculously.

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