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Nezumi's POV

I wake up with a heavy feeling in my chest. The room is completely dark and I immediately remember where I am. There doesn't seem to be any sound around me, so I assume Tetsu is still asleep or he could have left, though I doubt he would leave his house with a stranger in it. I move my hand around to find my bag, and take out a small LED flashlight and shine the light around the room. Tetsu is still sleeping and he faces the wall.

I get up to fold all my sheets up and place them where Tetsu had gotten them last night. I move around the room as quietly as I can, trying not to wake Tetsu up. The last thing I need is for him to ask me more questions that I don't feel quite comfortable answering.

I grab all my stuff and head towards the table and leave a gold coin there as thanks for letting me stay the night. I take one last look at Tetsu and head outside.

Why do I take another look at Tetsu before leaving? I don't really know myself, but there is this voice at the back of my head screaming for me to leave this place right now, but also bring the boy along.

Quite confused at the gut feeling I'm getting, I decide to pay no attention to it.

Back on track it is. I wonder how much further that sacred ground is? I remember vaguely that I had travelled with the old Grandma around the woods for days to reach the sacred ground, but I don't quite know the exact location. All I know is that there is something dragging me there, and I let it.

Stepping out into the bright day after being inside a completely dark underground house, my eyes are blinded from the sun. I quickly bring a hand over my eyes to shield it away from the sun.

As my eyes adjust, there seemed to be movement to my left and my eyes immediately focus there.

"Who's there?" I say. If it's a person, then I'm assuming they have some sort of business with me or else they would've already shown themselves. It doesn't quite seem like an animal so I guess voicing my question was the best option. Plus, there's no point in trying to approach whoever it is quietly because they already know I'm here.

There's more shuffling in the bushes before something large decides to jump out straight towards me. I manage to dodge it, but it comes back charging right at me.

It's a rottweiler. Though I'm not sure if it's a wild one or if it's acting under their owner's instructions, I take a fighting stance and get ready for any attacks. If it's a wild dog, then I just might be able to tame it by winning it through a fight, but if it's acting under its owner's orders, then I'll just have to hurt it enough that the owner wouldn't be able to stand watching anymore-assuming if it had an owner, they were near-and come out of hiding.

The dog bares its teeth towards me and glares at me before trying to chomp down on my arm that was in front, shielding me. I manage to dodge it once again and pull my knife out.

Seeing the weapon seems to make the dog even more angry and its eyes narrow. It seems to charge at me in full speed and I'm unable to doge this one and the force of its body send me wobble to the side. I'm able to catch myself before I fall, but my ankle starts throbbing.

Damn it, I must have sprained it. Not good.

I hold the knife out in front of me and wait for its attack since I'm not capable of going on vanguard at the moment. I need my legs to travel later; I can't have it giving up now.

As the dog charge towards me again, it somehow stops mid stride and cringes. The dog is whining now and the fear and hate it was radiating before seems to have vanished.

My eyes scan the area to look for anything that must have caused the dog to react this way, and it lands on Tetsu with a whistle in his mouth.

The whistle is attached to a string that is hung around his neck, so when his lips let go of the silver object, it dangles and hits against the fabric of his shirt.

Tetsu runs towards me and apologizes, "Sorry, Gus doesn't really like strangers. I'm actually surprised he didn't bark at you yesterday." Tetsu gives me a smile before kneeling down to rub the dog's chin.

"So his name is Gus?" I ask, trying to strike up a conversation so there wouldn't be any awkward silences.

"Yeah, he's a good boy," Tetsu replies and the dogs stops whining. Gus decides to get up on his hind legs and licks Tetsu's cheeks.

"Does he sleep out here?" I ask curiously.

"No," Tetsu says before getting up and Gus backs away. "I don't own him. He sort of just comes here once in a while. I guess he likes hanging out with me. I don't mind it one but since I don't do much around here."

I bend down and take knee. I gesture for Gus to come my way, but he seems afraid.

I guess anyone would be afraid if they were holding a knife... I tuck the knife away and wave for it to come over. He doesn't move until Tetsu gives him a small nudge.

Gus takes a few steps towards me and stops a foot away. I take out a hand to pet it gently to let it know that I'm not here to cause him harm. It takes a few more strokes until his body seems to relax.

"He likes you," Tetsu says.

"You think so?"

"Yeah. He usually wouldn't let people pet him like that for long unless if he liked them."

A small smile finds its way to my lips and I scratch his chin.

"Do you have a dog or are you familiar with them or something?" Tetsu asks.

"Why ask?"

"It's because of the way you're petting him. Normal people would stroke his back and not rub his ears or his chin."

"Oh. I have a friend of mine that owns a hell lotta dogs. I'm pretty used to them."

"Can I meet your friend one day? I'm quite fond of dogs." Tetsu says and his eyes sort of light up.

"Maybe. It depends if we see each other again or not."

"Oh, right, you're traveling. Why did I forget that?" Tetsu says and place the palm of his hand on his forehead.

"Anyway, I gotta go. I'm quite behind o schedule. Nice meeting you." I say to Tetsu and Gus before getting up and brushing the dirt off my pants.

"Nice meeting you too."

Gus also barks in response.

I turn to the direction my instincts are telling me to go and I take off. I'm about to make a turn, but Tetsu calls out to me one last time.

"I know we'll meet again!"

I don't tell back because I know it'll damage my throat, so I just make a small wave indicating that I've heard him.

I don't think we'll meet again though. I hope we don't meet again because there may or may not be a next time. I might be dead or I might be in horrible condition the next time we meet and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to witness that.

I head off into the wilderness once again.

Third person POV

The two fight their own battles. One physically and the other emotionally. Which battle wounds will leave scars?

Nezumi walks aimlessly through the woods, only following his instincts. Shion lays in his bed with a mixed feeling of anger, confidence, regret, grief and a new will to fight.

Author's Note
I can't seem to write ANYTHING at all for this story so far .-.
I've been writing this for about 2 weeks, and this is the result...

Someone's gotta help me soon or I might end up dropping this story (as much as I don't want to 😥)

In conclusion, writer's block is not fun

Days Without You (No.6 Nezumi X Shion Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat