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Shion's POV

I've been waiting for Nezumi to return for 2 years now. The last words he'd said to me, I will never forget. Those words are the only reason why I'm looking forward to living another day. Sometimes I find myself looking up at the stars and wondering if he is looking towards the stars, too. I would always wonder if he'll ever come back.

It had only been about a year since the No.6 system collapsed. At the beginning, when the wall collapsed, everyone still alive were panicking and chaos was everywhere. But as time passed, everyone calmed down a bit, but it was still true that they needed a system to keep everything under control.

Since there was no particular leader, and no one stepped up to take leadership for months, the people decided to make a voting for who would be most suitable to be their new leader. I never entered for it, but they still ended up taking me in as a candidate. In the end, majority of the people had voted for me just because I was the one who had created a "miracle". I can't quite agree though, after all, it was all because of Nezumi that stopped Elyurias from spreading anymore bees. I had no part in helping at all, so I really don't understand why they had chosen me, but they did.

It's almost been a year since I've been elected, and everything is quite stable for the most part. Well, I sort of need to emphasize for the most part because there are still some times where my mom and I are sort of in a situation that is not the best for our safety.

"Hey, Shion!" My mom called through the phone. I see her her hair tied up in a messy bun with wild strands dangling down to her shoulders. From the background, I can tell she is standing at the kitchen counter of our new house making something.

Since everyone had nominated me to be the leader of what was known as No.6, my mom and I were asked to move to a bigger house outside of the Lost Town, and into the central area. My mom kept the bakery opened and asked someone else to look after it while she stayed close to me. She still occasionally visits the bakery to check up on how everything is once in a while when she doesn't have much to do.

"Yeah?" I answered the call.

"Your friends are here."

"My friends?" Who? Could it be? The only friends I have that I can actually call friends are... Inukashi! I know many people that I work with, but I wouldn't exactly call them my friends; they're more like acquaintances and co-workers. "Coming!" I yelled to my mom as I closed the laptop screen and head down the stairs to the front door. "Hey," I greeted seeing Inukashi's hair being played with.

"Why do you look so excited? Did something good happen?" Inukashi said with her arms holding onto little Shion.

I give a little chuckle. "Yes, you're here with little Shion."

"Wait, are you happy that Shion is here or are you happy that I'm here?"

"Well, just so you don't get jealous, I'll say both of you." I say playfully. Inukashi gave a little glare but in a playful way. "Anyways, come in." I open the door way for them to come in.

"He's coming later." Inukashi said as she sat down on the couch and my mom came in from the kitchen to give the both of them drinks.

"Who?" I asked.

"Oh, don't act so dumb. You know who." She said and played with little Shion's hair. I half expected her to say Nezumi, but I guess that's just wishful thinking.

"Rikiga?" I ask, knowing that it's definitely him.

"Duh, who else?" Inukashi pauses for a moment and adds, "I understand. No matter how irritating he was, I miss him too."

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