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Third POV

"This feels so weird," Shion says as he holds Nezumi's hand and walks through the colourful world.

"No kidding," Nezumi says as he looks around him, wind blowing his hair so his bangs fly past his ears.

"But we still need to solve this mystery of why I see everything as black and white when I'm not in contact with you," Shion says as he looks at his own hands, fingers intertwined with Nezumi's.

"We don't always have to solve a problem that is placed in front of you. Sometimes, things are better off unknown," Nezumi meets Shion's gaze.

"I guess so..."

"Oh right, about your mom; how is she doing?" Nezumi asks, sudden worry in his voice.

"She's doing alright so far, but she needs to wake up soon or else there might be a possibility that she might slip into a coma," Shion explained, his gaze far away. "Apparently, her chances of living are pretty high though, according to the doctors."

"I see..."

The two wander around the land outside of the wall of No.6, hands held firmly together. They visit their old apartment room that's still filled with books and furniture; the market filled with oldsters selling food, kids laughing and running around playing a game tag; Inukashi's hotel which seemed abandoned other than a couple of mice that skitter around in the opened area.

"How is your life so far?" Shion asks as he places himself down on the stairs of Inukashi's hotel.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Nezumi said nonchalantly.

"Come on, tell me!" Shion exclaimed voice raised like a little kid.

"Well, I was travelling around, never felt the need to stay put in a place, but then I found this kid abandoned in the woods. I guess I decided that I needed to be a good person or else you would've lectured me all year if you were there, so I took her in. We're staying in a village right now, somewhere down south of No.6. Her name is Nana, twelve-years-old. She's a good kid, but it gets annoying sometimes. I don't have any experience taking care of people so I have no idea if I'm doing a good job or a horrible job, not that I really care," Nezumi explains as he leans against the railings of the stairs.

"You've changed," Shion simply says, his gaze focused on nowhere in particular. "You never would've taken a little child in, even if they were about to die."

"Really? Wow. Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult? Am I really that heartless?" Nezumi asks with surprise in his voice, like he hadn't known that. Although Shion was pretty confident that he was just joking around. "I don't think I would've just abandoned them there though..."

"No, but I'm saying that the past you might have." Shion clears his throat. "You're a good person now. I know for a fact that you wouldn't leave someone to die on their own, not as you are now."

"You've changed too," Nezumi says, looking up towards the hotel ceiling.

"Well, a lot can happen in two years; especially with you gone," Shion whispers the last part.

What has Nezumi been through for the two years they've been apart? What was his daily life like with a girl he had to take care of? What if Nezumi and she actually has an intimate relationship? Of course, Shion would be jealous. Shion wanted Nezumi all to himself whether Nezumi liked it or not! They've been through too much together to just push aside those unforgettable memories. Those memories and scars that he bears are proof that they've been together through the hard times, through life, through death, and even beyond. Nezumi couldn't just abandon Shion like that, right? Nezumi couldn't have... loved... the girl, right?

Days Without You (No.6 Nezumi X Shion Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant