Leaving Her Behind

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Nezumi's POV

I wake up from the dream. It's an odd feeling. I haven't seen him for 2 years and my heart aches for him already. The red snake still wraps around his body, it seemed, and I nearly couldn't control myself and nearly gave him a kiss. But I managed to pull away at the very last moment.

His hair was still white, so it seemed that his hair will never return to its original pigment, though I don't really mind. His white hair symbolizes that he had won a fight, and it's the symbol of a warrior. I think I actually like his white hair more. It makes him look charismatic in a way.

He sure has gotten bigger, well, just a little bit, but his eyes show a loneliness that breaks my heart. Maybe it was a bad idea to leave him? No, it can't be. We both had to grow before we could see each other again. We had to understand our situations more before we are allowed to be together. The destruction of No.6 showed us that.

I sit up on the bed, feeling a horrible urge to pack things up and move towards the wall of No.6 right here and now. But not yet, I still have Nana to take care of. I still have other responsibilities to take care of.

But what if once I get there, will I hesitate to enter the city and turn my back to it again? What if my cowardice comes to the surface and I'm afraid to enter the city of No.6? What if my hatred for the walls floods me? I can't possibly handle those emotions. But, thinking about finally seeing Shion again, my heart races and I feel the urge to head for the walls.

I take in a deep breath and release it after counting to three. I need to calm down first and think.

I let out a small sigh and head for the restroom to wash my face. I slowly run my hands through my hair and tie it up in a ponytail with a hair tie. My hair has grown long again and it reaches my shoulders; I might ask Nana to help me cut it soon.

As I walk out of the restroom, I see Nana entering the house.

"I'm back," Nana says cheerfully.

"Where'd you go?" She wasn't here when I fell asleep and she wasn't here when I woke up. Where could she have gone for so long? And for the whole night too? Unless if she came back when I had fallen asleep and went back out before dawn. But that shouldn't be possible, I'm a light sleeper so I would've woken up if someone had come in.

"Oh, I fell asleep at Sat-chan's place. Her mom didn't want to wake me up because she said I looked so peaceful when I had my eyes closed. When I woke up, her mom was staring at me like I'm a baby. Am I a baby?" Nana asks curiously.

I pretend to be thinking and answer, "Hm, I guess. You are like a baby sometimes," I teased.


"Well, who's the one asking me to sing for her when she has nightmares?" I joke.

Her face flushes red and she pouts, and I chuckle.


We are eating at the table and Nana moans in delight when she takes a huge bite out of a chicken leg. "Dish ish sho good," she says with a mouth full.

"Don't talk when you have a mouth full of food," I scold.

"Whute'er," she say, waving me off.

I let out a sigh and let her eat.

Quietly, I debated on whether to tell her or not about my plans on going to No.6. I had spent a whole afternoon thinking, and I thought that it was going to be worth it.

Truth is, I don't really want her coming with me. The risks are an unknown variable and that makes me worry. I can't risk putting her life in jeopardy just when she had found a safe place to stay. Maybe she can stay with Sat-chan if her mom would allow it. I'm going to have to talk with her mom...

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