Horse saves the day?

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Tears fill my eyes and fall and that's her cue she runs over to me and I pull her into my arms. I spin her around and I feel her tears on my shoulders. She pulls away after a while.

"Henry!" She yells and Henry pulls her into his arms.

I smile at the beautiful moment. They pull away after a while and Georgie just stares at her with a huge smile.

"Comon." Haley says and pulls Georgie into her arms.

After a while Haley they pull away and hugs Lu. My phone rings. Everyone looks at me and I pick up my phone.

Emma: "Hello?"

August: "Hey Emma it's August. I'm driving down the road were Heartland is but I'm not sure where to turn."

Emma: "Last one on the road."

August: " Great thanks."

I hand up and finally look up at Killian for the first time in a while. He smiles at me and my head snaps away. I see August's car pulling up and he parks and I run over to him. He spins me around and when he sees Haley he breaks.

Haley runs into his arms and he holds onto her tightly.

"Hey Kid. Long time no see." He says with tears falling down his face.

I see Ty and Amy just coming from a ride with the horses and when they see Haley they freak out.

"Haley!!" Yells Amy.

She gets down and they run into each other's arms.

"Swan can I talk to you?" Asks Killian quietly from behind me.

I turn around and nod my head. We walk away from the huge crowd of people and I lean on the fence facing Killian.

"Swan can you explain a bit because me and Amily are really confused." He says smiling a little at me.

I role my eyes and see Henry and Haley watching me.

"That's Haley, my daughter, Henry's twin sister." I say looking away from him remembering the pain I have been dealing with scince her supposedly "death".

"She's the one you didn't want to talk about." He says taking my hand in his.

I turn back around to face him. I role my eyes and can't help but smile.

"Ya, Neal took her and Henry away from me and made me watch as he burned her alive, I though she died but they couldn't find her body so I'm guessing that she got away." I say looking into his eyes.

I pull my heads away from his and walk away.

"Oh and Swan! I have some news!" He yells. I stop walking away.

"Neal's in prison same with Milah." He says and I can see the smile on his beautiful lips.

I look at Henry and Haley and smile like crazy. I turn around and sprint over to him and hug him tightly. He holds me tightly.

"Happy Swan?" He says with a smirk.

"Yes." I whisper in his ear. I pull away from his hug my arms still around his neck and his hands on my waist.

I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him he makes it deeper but I pull away because everyone is watching us. I blush and he smiles sweetly at me. I kiss him quickly and I see August standing smiling at me but his arms are crossed.

"Okay enough for the show." I say and walk over to August. "Is there a problem?" I cross my arms at him.

"No, no problem I just need to look out for you, you know." He says smiling down at me.

"Oh shut up looser I'm older than you." I say and slap his chest.

I giggle and turn around and see Haley smiling up at me. I smile at her and she walks into my arms and I hold her tightly. I see smoke comming from behind the trees. The horse that I helped get better breaks out of his pen and runs put of the barn. Ty tries to chase it but he's not fast enough. I pull away from Haley and run over carefully to him and he stops. I turn sound and he walks up closer to me. Something in my head tells me to get on him and see where he will take me. I pet him and then hop on him bare back and he takes off. I hold on tightly and he takes me to a house and I hear people screaming. I jump of the horse and run to the house and break the door open. Two people run out of the house but I still hear two kids yelling from upstairs.

I run into the burning house and follow the sound of their screams.

Hope you like this chapter loves💕😊

Dreams come trueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora