Bad or good day

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I sigh and role my eyes and drive to my house.

When we get to my house two other cars are pulled up infront of my house. I get out quickly and lock the door. I hear a little girl crying in the corner. I see Lara, I rush over to her and lift her up in my arms.

"Lara where's mommy?" I ask her and brush her tears away.

"With a strange man." She says pointing to the backyard.

I hold her closely to my chest and walk over I hear Killian's quick footsteps behind me. I see Regina talking furiously with Neal.

"Regina!" I yell.

They both turn around quickly and she catches Neal at a perfect timing she hits him in the head with a rock and he falls to the ground confusedly.

"I'm calling the cops," Says Killian.

After a few minutes the cops come and rush Neal away. Regina takes Lara away and I clutch my stomach hoping I won't get sick.

"Swan?" Says Killian.

Tears fall from my eyes and I can't control my legs. I run around the corner and open the house and sprint up to the bathroom and I get sick in the toilet. After I loose all of my food I colaps on the floor and hit my head hard. I get dizzy and then everything goes black.

I wake up in a small stuffy hospital room. I look around and see Regina, Robin and Lara on my left side and Henry, Killian and Amily on my right. Henry is holding tightly to Killian and just bawling his eyes out. Amily is just studying her hands tears falling quietly down her face. Killian looks the worst out of all of them but I can tell he's trying to be strong.

"Why is everyone freaking out?" I ask and smile at Henry.

Henry gets up and walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.

"Whoa carefull Henry, don't want to break your mother. Why don't we clear out and give her some time to talk with the doctor?" Says Killian obviously up to something.

They all walk out of the room Killian going to leave last but when everyone gets out he slams the door and locks it and then puts a chair infront of the door. He walks over to me with a big smirk.

"So love how's you're head?" He asks sitting down on my bed.

I sit up and put my hands on it looking for where I would be injured but I don't feal any pain. "Fine I think." I say and look at him.

"So Emma, what happened?" He asks a concern forming on his face.

"Uggg... nerves I got sick and then got dizzy from lack for nutrition and then I fell and hit my head." I say and smile shyly at him.

"Well you seem to be good, we have only been here for three hours and the doctor said when you woke up we could leave but you can't stay home alone you need to stay with someone so I was wondering would you like to stay with me and Amily for a while?" He asks taking my hands in his.

"Why not." I say and pull my hands away from his.

I swing my legs over to bed and stand up shrugging him off. They didn't change me into a hospital gown, I guess my injury wasn't that bad. I slip on my heals and buckle them up. I turn around and see Killian smirking at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing." He says smiling and turning away from me.

People bang on the door but I ignore it. I walk over to Killian and tap his shoulder and he turns around and faces me. My heart beats faster and faster. Our faces are so close together...

The door breaks open and I turn around quickly and everyone falls to the ground infront of me.

"Really guys!" I say and sigh.

Killian chuckles behind me. I giggle and help them up. I leave the hospital and we drive to my house in Killian's car and we pick up anything that me and Henry need.

We drive back to Killian's house and Amily leads Henry to the guest room.

"So Swan, we have a little but of a dilemma. We only have one guest room, so I was thinking you sleep on the bed in my room and I sleep on the couch in my room. How does that sound?" He asks.

My hands start sweating but I try and keep calm. "That ummm... that's fine." I stutter.

He smiles sympathetically and then takes some of my boxes and brings them up to his room. His room is super simple but we'll designed.

I set up my things when Killian helps Henry. When I'm finished I change into some leggings and a bright pink bra and a white see through t-shirt. I slip on my uggs and pull my hair in a messy bun and pick up my phone and walk downstairs. I hear Henry, Amily and Killian laughing and then the door bell rings. I wait at the door and then I hear familiar voices at the door.

"Hello I heard Emma Swan and Henry Swan were staying here for a while, I would like to speak to Emma, if that possible?" Says a female.

"Sure hold on a second." Says Killian and he walks around the corner and jumps when he sees me. I can see he's checking me out but I ignore him.

"For me?" I ask.

He shakes his head and I walk around the corner. My mouth immediately drops open when I see them. Killian walks over to me and puts a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Henry, Amily go upstairs now!" I yell and they both run upstairs quickly.

"You to Jones." I say shaking from his grip.

He walks upstairs and I hear him talking with Henry and I can tell he's nervous. I walk up to them and cross my arms.

"What do you want?" I ask my voice almost breaking.

"Emma we want to take you and Henry to a place where you belong." Says the guy.

"You never loved me you sent me away asks a small age and when you came to adopt a child you adopted my best friend instead of your own biological daughter! You make me sick thinking about you! I think I finally found a home you can't just show up and try and take me away!" I yell.

"Well that's what we are doing, we want you back we don't care about Henry or your family or home." Says David and he grabs my wrist and pulls me out the door.

My voice catches and I can't make any sound. I take in a deep breath and pull my arm away from him. "Killian!" I yell after I get my wrist away.

Bruises are already showing up, bright purple. Killian rushes down the stairs and pulls me into his arms. My hands go automatically to his chest and he holds me tightly. I put my face into his chest and tears fall.

When my parents leave I don't want to leave his arms. He lifts me up bridal style and brings me into the house locking the door behind us and then he sits down on the couch and puts me on his lap. We sit like that for a while and I know Henry and Amily have made sure not to bother us.

I take a deep breath and lift my head up and brush my tears away. He just watches my eyes as I try and calm my nerves down. I can't stop crying tears just fall and I wrap my arms around his neck. He holds onto me tightly and I just sob for what seems like hours. I know Henry and Amily have gone to sleep by know.

When I finally calmed down and pull my face away from his neck and he brushes my tears away. He smirks at me and I smile and little. Our lips are so close together I can feal us attracting. He leans a little closer and kisses me. The kiss deepens but I pull away after a while.

"I'm sorry, that was a mistake." I say and get up and run up the stairs.

I immediately feel unsafe, this is how I felt the whole time I was with Neal. I fall onto the bed and cry until I fall asleep.

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time, I just was so busy with my other book😟 life has been pretty crappie so it would mean so much for people to read this story. Hope you like it😟 next chapter will be posted soon (hopefully)

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