Chapter 16: Just Fine

Start from the beginning

I was the main perpetrator of any fights, although I did my best not to start them. I would make my way downstairs in my pyjamas, and curl up in Jacob's lap, ignoring my father's glares. Then we'd begin a quiet conversation, until the inevitable topic came up.

We'd both try and persuade each other to no avail, and it would always end in arguments. Mostly there'd be shouting between the two sides, which would then subside into pleading. Then the anger would rise up again, Jacob would leave in a temper, and I would go to bed and cry a little. Then in the morning, without fail, Jacob would appear on the doorstep, begging my forgiveness, and I would apologize and kiss him.

And the cycle would begin again.

The worst fight was the night before we began school. I had spent the day hunting with Jake, and now I was tired. I showered quickly, and washed my hair with the new expensive strawberry shampoo Alice had ordered. When I was done, I pulled on some little shorts and a tank top, and blow-dried my hair.

Walking downstairs, I knew immediately that something was up. Everyone was tense, sitting around a very stressed looking Alice.

"I don't know what it means!" she yelled at my dad suddenly. "You tell me what it means! You can read my mind, for Christ's sake!"

My father's hand closed around my mother's, and his eyes flashed to mine.

"What's going on?" I asked, surprised I hadn't heard all of this from the shower.

"The pixie had a vision," Jake explained. I nodded and seated myself beside him.

Alice gave me an anxious glance. "I saw Vladimir and Stefan come here...for something. Someone. From what I could tell, I think it was you. We can't be sure of course, but that seems most...plausible."

"I'm confused," I told her. "Why would they want me?"

"The same reason the Volturi wanted to hurt you. For our help. Whichever side we take will win; that much is inevitable. That is, unless we make our own side. That would even out the playing field a fair bit, I imagine."

Jacob tightened his grip on me. "I won't let them hurt you," he whispered into my hair. "We'll fight them all off."

I pushed him back so I could look at his face. "I don't want you to fight them," I argued. "I want you to keep safe. It's the best way, Jacob."

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't think so. People are going to attack us either way. We can live under the rule of the Volturi or the Romanians, or we can make our own. We're going to be part of a war no matter what we do."

I groaned. Jake could be so obtuse. I wrenched myself off his lap and began to pace.

"No, Jake. If we don't pick a side, we'll lose people. Our friends, our family. We can't fight this war on our own."

He stood fluidly. "We have to, Nessie."

"No we don't!" I yelled, turning on him. "We've put up with the Volturi laws this long, we can do it for a little longer!"

My dad stood then, facing Jake. "Nessie's right," he declared. "I would rather put up with them than lose my family."

Rose nodded in agreement, and Esme looked like she was about to cry, although technically she was unable to.

Jasper and Emmett got involved too, and then Rose. It was the biggest shouting match I could remember my family having. Finally, even my mom got into it; she refrained from shouting, and instead tried to calm me, but it only served to make me angrier. Couldn't Jacob see how much I needed him? I couldn't lose him. I wouldn't. I wouldn't let him do this to us.

Morning Light: A Renesmee and Jacob storyWhere stories live. Discover now