Chapter 119

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The three of us had been silently riding on this end of the trailer, so I wasn't sure what she was reacting to. The others on the other side of the trailer were playing a game, but she was watching the trees, not them. Ace's head turned as he also somehow picked up her change of mood. They had sparred so much together that they could read one another's body language almost perfectly at this point.

Ace turned his sharp gaze to scan our swiftly passing surroundings, trying to see what had Diane out of sorts. He eventually gave up and turned to look at her as he spoke quietly, "Is something amiss?"

Diane didn't look away from the forest, but her eyes were just skimming things, not truly focusing on anything in particular. She murmured, "That is a very good question." She finally tore her gaze away from the forest and looked at the group of people near the back of the trailer, "Kerry, do you happen to know the name of the town we are going to?"

Kerry looked over at us, "We are stopping at a small place called Eagle Holding before heading to Steel Crossing to pick up the trucks."

Eagle Holding? No, surely that could not be the same place... My mind quickly checked my mental map and, to my dismay, we were approaching that place. The very town that had tried to keep us from leaving. The only settlement that I never wanted to visit again.

I somehow doubted I was mistaken. I leaned against Diane for comfort and looked up at her. My voice trembled nervously, "Isn't that the place..."

Ace's eyes tracked over to me as he processed my tone and sudden nerves. Diane nodded slowly as her eyes brightened slightly, "This is going to be interesting..."

Ace glanced between Diane and me as he narrowed his eyes. His eyes brightened with the knowledge of an upcoming unusual situation or a possible threat. Kerry also took in our reactions and frowned before getting up to come over. She spoke quietly, although anyone on this trailer would hear since they were all closely watching us, "What's wrong?"

Diane exhaled slowly, "Let's just say that I passed through here once and ended up leaving the leader face down in the dirt with bruises to get myself and Laura out. It may be best if the two of us stay out of sight and don't go inside the walls. I am kind of hoping that a new leader is in place, but many may recognize us."

Kerry looked shocked. Ace looked a bit upset at this news. Diane must not have mentioned it in her letters.

Kerry grabbed the radio from her belt, "Roland, who is the current leader of Eagle Holding? Over."

I could see Roland on the first trailer. He turned around to look at us before bringing up his own radio, "I believe his name is Jason. Why? Over."

That name rang a bell and I didn't like the sound of it. Diane looked down at me as I leaned against her. She murmured, "Well, hopefully he has learned more manners than he had last time."

I doubted it and didn't bother responding. It was clear that Diane also didn't hold much hope in it either. Kerry frowned at us and pressed the radio button again, "It seems that Diane and Laura may have had an unfortunate experience with the leader of this place in a previous visit. Over."

Roland was frowning as he looked towards us as we rode on the fifth trailer, "What kind of experience? Over." I expected that if we hadn't been moving so quickly, that he would have jumped down and come over. He was restricted to the radios for the moment.

Most people on all of the trailers were looking in our direction as our conversation was overheard on their own radios. Kerry raised her eyebrow at Diane, prompting her to respond. Diane sighed, "Let's just say that he did not plan on letting us leave and we had a slight disagreement within sight of most of the town's population."

Kerry relayed the explanation. Other traders were frowning and shifted their weight as several people's eyes brightened. Diane focused on Kerry, "Have you had any problems with this place in the past?"

Kerry shook her head with a frown, "None whatsoever. The guys tend to flirt there more than at other locations, but nothing serious."

Diane turned back to the trees and murmured, "Perhaps he took my lesson to heart. Either way, my presence is bound to make him and others either angry or very nervous."

Kerry slowly nodded. She glanced at Ace, "Do you mind sticking close to her in case something happens? I think she may be correct and it may be best if she mostly does work behind the scenes at this stop."

Ace nodded with a serious expression. He sat up a bit straighter and his body language practically shouted that he wasn't a person that someone wanted to fight. I wasn't sure how he managed to change his entire body language considering he was still sitting, but I recognized the protective aura he now wore. It was one similar to the aura that Guards were able to make anyone else sense even if they had no fighting training.

I wasn't sure why Kerry had asked Ace to stick close to Diane. His reflexes may be honed by Heartfire now, but he didn't feel the heat yet and Diane still had the upper hand in a fight. Kerry glanced at me, but knew from past trips that I would follow Diane like her shadow. She went back to sit with those she had been sitting with before as they resumed their interrupted game.

I knew that Diane wouldn't let those people try to keep us again and I also knew that the traders wouldn't let us go without a fight. Roland was not the type to leave someone behind – especially if they didn't want to stay willingly.

It would come to a fight, and considering most of the eyes visible were blue, those who were in the wrong would swiftly regret their decision. Diane put her arm around my shoulder as she still gazed at the passing trees.

Ace's attention was halfway split between us and our surroundings. Perhaps that was why Kerry wanted him to remain near us, it would prevent anyone from Eagle Holding from getting a chance to catch us alone. Ace still wore his sword and dagger, and I knew that if he drew them, someone would be in serious trouble if they didn't back off.

This small settlement wouldn't be able to try to keep us there against our will. Diane wouldn't allow it. Ace wouldn't tolerate it. The traders would react very poorly to anyone insinuating any such thing as well. They would always protect one of their own.

Besides, Diane's dancing abilities hadn't improved any.

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