Bringing your kid to work

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Sorry about any errors, I'm writing this at 2:13, so it won't be the best.

A week ago, if someone had told me that I would be playing hide and seek with a 4 year old, and playing house with anko miterashi, than I would have thought them insane but alas the world is a confusing place, O Kami, house, this is degrading to an unknown degree.
"Naru, sweetie daddy has to go to the hokage and get a mission soon," it was my last resort. "Traitor!" Anko clearly wasn't happy about me tossing her to the wolf, or would it be fox,
Anko smiled, but it wasn't the smile of pure happiness that she usually had around little naru, this was a smile of pure sadistic intention. "Honey, would you mind if I take naru with me to the jounin meeting." I felt my eyes widening, honey, the dreaded honey. The thing that I had long since come to fear. Anko and I are not a couple, but that didn't stop pet names when we wanted some think, or were just plane teasing. I nodded at my temporary partner," OK," what roomers did I just unleash

~time skip 2 hours, meeting

The meating hadn't started yet, they were waiting for a certain purple haired snake summoner. The room started in quiet whispers when they heard a child murmur. Who had she bought. The door swung open to reveal Anko and a small,blonde haired child in her arms, "if any one wakes her than they will loose the ability to re-produce," she sat down, and cleared her throat, " if you have any questions than raise your hand" big mistake.
The entire enhabitance of the room raised their hand.

Thanks for reading~Lilly

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