A new home

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Anko and kakashi stood in there kage's office,as he smothered the 4 year old in his embraces,when he finally let go of the poor girl he cleared his throat saying,"nothing said hear today leaves this room, do you under stand me?"you could tell by his tone of voice he had forgotten that Anko and kakashi were just standing in the room looking at everything except each other "hai" the some what awkward reply came in unison.The kage then remembered what he had saw in his spying glass(AN~I can't remember the name of the crystal ball thingie in the 3rd's office)
"Now to a matter of most importance." The tone hanging on the kage's voice was one of seriousness, but on the inside a little chibi aversion of him was doing a degrading dance if pure glee and his face reflected that glee,if you could see it under the hat,that is."where is naru-chan going to stay" then,as fast as lightning kakashi and Anko tried to bolt out of the window,naru just stared at them with a look of confusion on her face. "Why is kyuu-kun laughing so hard at you two,kaa-chan  tou-san"in the office the sandaime was stopping himself from bursting out laughing, he was winning that fight,barely. First because of a 5 year old calling the kyuubi no yoko, the destroyer of mountains,creator of maelstrom, kyuu-chan. And Also because she called Anko-the ice queen and snake mistress of konoha, and kakashi-the one to copy over 1000 jutsu, sharingan no kakashi, mum and dad, hurizen was sure that the ANBU on the other side of the door were loosing there composure and we're now videotaping the entire convosation, after all not many could say that they had gotten blackmail about kakashi and Anko on the same day, at the same time. Not to mention the kyuubi.The sandaime cleared his throat, "naru can stay with you two, if you don't oppose the idea" he had to conical the small smile of mirth as the little girl looked at the two she called 'parents' and smiled, 'Kyuu-chan, what do you think' might be a good idea kit, you like them, don't ya "

"Kyu said it was a good idea," the two jonin looked at the little girl, kakashi looked down at her, this was surreal, he had long since given up hope of ever having something akin to a family since the former team 7. He bent down to her eye level after a small conversation with anko about the suggestion of the hokage, he smiled with his eye, "if you pwant you can live with me and anko," said snake mistress smiled at the prospect of having a family. oh she could see it now, celebrating naru's next birthday, helping her with jutsu, then her graduation day at the academy to meeting and painfully killing her first boyfriend, o the fun she and kakashi would have! The withered kage clapped his hands, "it's decided then, naru will officially be your daughter by the weeks end" the to-be parents smiled before what the kale said dawned on them, "WHAT"
In wind country the yondamine looked up as the sound of a sudden shout came from the direction of konoha
Back in konoha
"You  heard me" the kage was glad that he had set the ANBU in the room the task of recording the conversation from the beginning, if only to catch the comical expressions of the copy-cat and snake mistress, and the down right adorable confused expression of little naru

613 words, thanks for reading

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