"Because you're my Bianca and the Bianca I know is a strong and an unbothered Queen." My mother laughed and I couldn't help but join in her laughter. "So is that a yes? It hurt me to see tears in your eyes yesterday."

"I was a bit emotional but I'm okay now." I sighed. "And its a yes..I'll go to the boarding school. So when do I start the registration."

My father wiped his lips clean with the table cloth close to him. "Oh everything has been taken care of so you resume today."

"What?!" I yelled.


The Principal stared intently at me then her computer screen then her eyes raked over me again. I cleared my throat to clear the awkward tension in the air and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

"Bianca Anderson.."

I smiled nervously. "Yes Ms Katherine."

She held her hands up and huffed. "You speak only when you're asked to speak. Am I clear?"

I nodded my head approvingly. "Yes ma'am."

After a long moment of silence, She sighed and entwined her fingers on her desk. "I don't know how you did it but you're here and you're going to be staying in one of the most expensive hostels in Elite High." She said to herself and I looked up at her in surprise.

She signed a couple of papers and passed them to me. "You'll be needing these when you get in. Can I have your phone?" She requested and I gave it to her willingly.

She returned her attention back to her computer screen and started typing. After checking my phone thoroughly, She handed it back to me. "Okay..That's your schedule for the semester." She passed some files to me. "You'll also get another one in your school's email."

She took a hold of the office phone and dialed a number. "Hey,Priyanka? Yes, I need you in my office right now."

A young lady who looked Indian walked into the room.

"This is Priyanka and she's going to take you to the room where you'll be staying." She beckoned on Priyanka and she walked to my bags which had been placed in the room and she made to carry them but I stopped her.

"Oh don't worry about that I'll carry them myself."

"Bianca! I hope you know the uniform you're wearing. You're a student of the great Elite High so act like it." Mrs Katherine ordered and I moved away from my bags nervously.

"However," The principal stood up and walked around the desk towards me. "I want you to do me a favor. Don't cause any trouble with the top floor if you don't want to be summoned by the disciplinary committee."

I nodded, though not understanding what she meant by that.

"Have a nice day." She replied dismissively and I walked out of the room with Priyanka.

Priyanka patiently guided me through the dormitory and I made mental notes of the places I wanted to visit later.

She pointed at two huge doors. "These doors lead to your wing and you're allowed to explore other wings but not the one at the very top. I'll advise you to be very mindful of the things you associate yourself with..Don't be a blabber mouth, more importantly a snitch and most importantly, a liar. Wake up early each day to and make sure you memorize that map on time. It may seem hard but with time you'll get it. Am I clear?"

I nodded politely.

She shook her head. "Learn to speak when you're supposed to speak. It'll save you a whole lot."

It didn't take long for us to get to my room since the other occupants of the hostel where in their various classes. So less drama, more time.

"Right now you won't see any students since it's time for their lessons."

"That's understandable." I replied.

She pressed a button on a door and typed my pin on the screen and the door opened.

"Ms Bianca..This is your room."

"This is my room? Wow! Not bad at all."

"Yes Ms Bianca." She replied politely as she arranged my things in the wardrobe. "As you can see, you have a spare bed so that means you have a roommate here, but don't worry, there's enough space for the both of you."

"There's more than enough space." I snickered and she chuckled.

"You can say that again Ms Bianca."

"Oh please call me Bianca..we're alone now." She smiled unsurely and I chuckled. "I insist you do that."

"Okay Bianca if you need anything else feel free to call. There's an intercom and a tablet where all our numbers are registered in."

"Thank you!"

She walked out of the room and I squealed excitedly at the vast appearance and beauty of the room. The walls were painted in a royal blue color and the furnitures looked like royalty. I had a huge wardrobe, bed, reading table and chair and other accessories.

After arranging my things in their appropriate places, I decided to explore a little. I walked around the hall like a puppy who was lost and didn't know where to go even if I was checking my map all the time. The walls looked alike and each room looked like the other. The only thing i knew was how to get back to my room.

Looking around my surrounding, I noticed that I was on the top floor but there was another floor above this one.

Curiously, I decided to check the very top floor. It however looked different from my floor and everything here screamed old money.

I heard someone crying and the air around me was heavy as a sickening feeling filled my stomach.

"Why are you still here? I thought I told you to leave!" Someone yelled and I turned to the direction of the voice.

I tiptoed quietly to a small room and I saw a group of girls hovering over a bleeding girl who looked like she had been run over by a truck.

The girl raised her head up slowly and I covered my mouth quickly to hide my screams.  It was Amelia.

"Please just stop doing this..I'm already working on it. Give me more time." She said in a pleading tone. 

I saw a cockroach and I squealed in fear.

"Who's there?!" One of the girls asked and I tiptoed out of the room. When I was out, I ran to my room as fast as my legs could take me and when I was within the confines of my room , I released a huge sigh of relief.

Three questions kept bugging me.

Who were those girls? What did Amelia do to them? And How did I get myself in such a huge mess?


Wow! The story is a about to get really interesting!💃🏿

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