Vanoss x Reader: Assassin pt.2

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Okay people this is going to be a long one so prepare yourselves. Also I can't thank you enough for voting, seriously I love you all💙

Me and Lia finally got home after the long day at the shelter.

"Ugh, I'm so tired", I laid down on the couch.

"Why, its only 7:15", she said getting food out of the fridge.

"Oh no I'm gonna be late", I quickly got up. "For what", she asked.

"Oh I-I umm, uhhh. Fine. I'm going on a date", I rolled my eyes preparing myself for questions.

"Oh my lord, your finally going on a date after everything. Yay I'm proud of you. Who is he? What's his name? ", she got all excited.

"Oh shit", I stared at her. "What"?

"I don't know his name. He never told me", I laughed. "Omg, your going on a date with a guy and you don't even know his name", she face palmed.

"Well, Igottagogetreadynowbyeeee", I said really fast and ran to my room.

Okay let's see what I have in my closet. I pulled out a dress. One that I have never dared to wear. My mothers dress. That's the last thing I have left of her. 'Well if this date goes right some how, I guess it would be worth it to finally put it on and wear it', I thought to myself.

I put the dress down on my bed. I smiled as I looked at it. I went to the mirror and started doing my makeup.
(How makeup, hair, and dress is)

 (How makeup, hair, and dress is)

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As I finished that. I started on my hair. Curling it then putting it in a loose but very nice bun.

~Time Skip~

I walked outside my room looking at the time. 7:50.

Alright I have ten minutes to walk there. "Wow look at you. Good luck", Lia said as I walked out the door.


After walking in this dress, I finally made it to the gas station. It was dark outside so I was pretty scared.

"Wow", I heard from behind me. It was the mystery guy.

I turned around to face him. He was wearing a tux which made him look absolutely handsome.

 He was wearing a tux which made him look absolutely handsome

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BBS x Reader *On Hiatus* Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt