Delirious x Reader: An old Friend

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Delirious's POV~

Me and the crew were getting ready for a heist.

I grabbed my knife put it in a secret pocket in my shoe.

We were gonna go to try to get money from this other gang in Los Santos. They robbed a bank and got big money from it. So they did the work for us all we have to go is go get it.

"Delirious you ready", Evan says coming into my room.

"Yeah, let's go", I got up and walked out following him to the Van along with the rest of the crew.

We all sat in the back while Lui was driving to the Crew's base.

"Alright so this is a all girl group. Their leader is (Street Name). Once we get there we take out anyone in our way. And just because there girls don't think there not strong, their a stronger group then you think. They can take us all out easily but they won't expect us. So..." Vanoss said continuing to explain our plan.

I just kept thinking about getting in there and getting out, I am not in the mood today.

Lui sooner or later stops the van and we all get out. We see an old warehouse. "This is it", he says.

"Alright, let's go in from the top so it would be easier. Make it quiet so we don't get caught", Marcel tells us. I nod my head as we head towards the building.

We all grapple hook up there like batman shit or something. I smile at the though of batman, but my smile fades as I start remembering. I go and stop the tears from falling. "I know this is a wrong time to ask but, can we get tacos after", Brian asks us.

I chuckle so does Evan and he nods his head yes. I saw a vent going down through the building. "Over there", I point. We head to it. "Delirious and Brian head back down and wait outside to watch", Vanoss tells us.

We make are way back down and lean against the car with our weapons out.

"Ugh, I'm not feeling it today. Something feels weird", I say.

"What do you mean", Brian asks me.

"I feel like something really bad is going to happen but at the same time, that something bad is going to be good. If that makes sense", I told him. He just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know man".

~15 Minutes pass by~

We get startled by the rest of the crew coming out shooting there guns. They have the bags of money on their back. We see girls following them out. We hide behind the car shooting guns.

"You fuckers", a girl screams at us.

I stop shooting. 'No Jonathan, it's not her. It's not her', I thought to myself.

It can't be her. Just someone that sounds like her. I look back over the hood of the car and see she is wearing a Jason mask.

'Everyone wears Jason Masks these days'.

"Get out here and fight us", she says. Damn it, I'm gonna regret this.

I get up and go stand in front of the car.

"Delirious are you crazy", Evan yells at me. "I'm out of my mind", I yell back. (Hehehe, get it? Cause he's delirious.....I'll stop now) The girl stops as she heard my name.

"Stop shooting", she yelled at her crew. They didn't hear her. "STOP SHOOTING", she yelled once again but this time louder.

"Here's our chance", Lui said.

"No, stop. Don't fucking shoot", I said turning around to them.

"But Delirious-", Evan says but I cut him off. "Don't you fucking shoot", I told him. They backed off and just held there guns up at them.

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