BryceMcQuaid x Reader

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OMG I LOVE BRYCE SO MUCH, HE IS SO ADORABLE!!!!! Sorry I had to get that out hahaha. To the story now

Your POV~

I woke up in a room. "Ow. Shit", I rubbed my head. It hurt like hell.

I was on the floor. There was nothing in the room. And there was a dim light making it kind of dark.

I got up and took in my surroundings. There was a door and A window. I went up to the door but it was metal. And it was shut tight. I tried to push on it but there was no point.

Then I went to the window it was all boarded up.  I start to try and pull off the wood.

I successfully pulled one of the boars off the window. It was in the middle.

I look out the window and see I'm in a neighborhood. But not just a normal neighborhood, there was these things walking around.

They had blood and wounds open all over them. It was inhuman.

The world just looked abandoned. I saw a guy walking out there, a normal person. I screamed and called for help he looked up at me confused then out of no where. This 'thing' jumped on him and started eating him alive.

"Oh, no", I put my hands over my mouth. Tears form in my eyes.

'What the heck is going on', I asked myself.

I backed away from the window all the way to the wall across from it. I sat on the floor trying to rap my head around what happened.

'Okay Y/n think. What's the last thing you remember', I thought.

I was with my friends at a sleepover. With the crew. Then the power went out. Then after that it felt like I was knocked out. Then I wake up here.

So were those things outside Zombies? I mean I know what they are, the fictional things I play in video games. Yeah I may like to 'kill' them but I'm just a regular Youtuber who doesn't even like that stuff in real life!

This can't be happening. I am not in a zombie apocalypse.

How did I end up in this room anyway?

I stood up trying to find something. Anything! But this room had nothing in it. Not even a bed or a table or a chair.

What do I do?

Then all of a sudden. The metal door opened. I backed away from it as far as I can.

I cover my arms over my face trying not to look at whoever or whatever it is.

"Y/n? You're alive", I hear the familiar voice. I look up and see Bryce. "Bryce", I semi yelled excitedly.

I got up quickly. And ran to him. I hugged him so tight. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Are you okay", he asked. "Yeah,
I'm just scared. I saw something", I said.

He looked down at me with concern.
"Was it one of the 'Zombie things'", he asked.

"Yeah. I got the board off the window. And I looked outside and this t-thing just came to a guy and attacked him. And started ripping his flesh apart. Eating him", I got tears in my eyes.

BBS x Reader *On Hiatus* Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ