Strange boy, strange girl.

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Pan's P.O.V.
I looked at the girl before me with a blank look from the place where the island met the shore of the beach. I decided to give her a little bit of time to adjust to where she was so I had left her with her thoughts while I kept an eye on her. "Where am I?" She asked, looking at me as I lean against a tree, looking at the new girl with a curious look. 

"Neverland." I replied simply like it was no big deal and it wasn't. But I suppose for her it was one of the biggest deals of her life.

"Neverland." She repeated, even more confused then ever. I couldn't help but smirk at her reaction. "Who are you then?" She shook her head in confusion.

"Oh, did I forget to introduce myself?" I tease her playfully, pushing myself off of the tree.

"I'm Peter. Peter Pan." I smiled as I slowly walked to her. I didn't want to alarm her so I took my time to walk over to her, trying to show her that I wasn't a threat. The girl shook her head once more as she backed away, looking down at the ground.

"No, no this can't be happening." She tried to gather her thoughts. I was caught off guard as she shoved me into a tree, running past me and darting into the woods. I knew she would get lost so I could find her easily, making me not worry so much about where she ran off to. I turned to her, waving to her as she disappeared into the dense jungle. I let her go explore the land, knowing she will be here forever. For she will be mine, and only mine. 

Luna's P.O.V.
I look behind me as I ran, and saw Pan smirking at me and waving to me. I ran deeper into the jungle, trying to get away from him. I needed to get out of here. I had to get back home. I wasn't paying attention and ran into someone. The two of us crash to the ground in pain, groaning at the impact. As I gathered my thoughts, I took in what she looked like. She had blonde curly hair tied in a messy bun and had dress on that seemed to be made from scraps. The two of us stood up quickly. "Oh I'm so sorry." I said quickly and out of breath as she bent over to collect the fire wood I made her drop.

"It's fine, it's not a big deal." She said in an accent much like that Pan boy. I collect the last piece of wood, handing it to her as she took it.

"What's your name?" I asked her, wanting to see if what Pan said was actually true about this being Neverland.

"Tink." She smiled in her British accent. I like her name and she seemed kind enough as she was but it did confirm what Pan said. This in fact was Neverland. But I had a feeling that this wouldn't be like the stories that I read and the movies I watched. Based on Pan alone, I could tell this Neverland was far darker than I knew.

"I'm Luna." I said finally, breaking myself out of my thoughts.

"Oh, are you the new girl that Pan brought?" It's only been a few minutes and people are already talking about me. Were they expecting me? And who is on this island besides Pan and Tink?

"What?" I come back out of my thoughts "Oh, no. I've been wanting to get off the island and I just got here." I explained to her.

"Me too," Tink jumped. I was taken back by her excitement all of a sudden. "we could help each other get off the island. I could make a potion to help but we need a few things from Pan. Can you get them?" She seemed straight forward to leave but I didn't blame her. Although this island was not what I thought it was, Pan and Tink had to have history together and this island must be immortal. Maybe she wanted freedom from the immortality or Pan. I couldn't blame her either.

"Why me, can't you get them?" I questioned. I was here for only a day and all of a sudden she depends on me like she trusts me when I'm reality, I'm not sure how long I'll be here. "I'm banned from the camp, but Pan will trust you, after all, he did bring you here." I thought about it for a minute. I could easily try and gain trust with Pan and get what she needs but on the other hand, how can I trust that she won't ditch me. I finally came to terms that she was probably my only way out of here and I was going to take it.

"Okay." I finally agreed with her, not knowing where I would end up but anywhere would be better than on this island with Satan claiming that he is Peter Pan.

"Good. Let's go to my treehouse and plan." Tink explained, once more breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Good idea." I smiled happily. The two of us walked back to Tink's hut and spent most of the day planning what we needed and what I was to get from Pan. The thought of speaking to Pan at all pissed me off but I knew that it was needed to get out of here. I don't know how much time passed but soon we heard a knock on the door, causing us to stop our planning.

"I'll get it." Tink said, standing up as she walked over to the door. She opened the door only to find Pan. Great. I thought as Pan's eyes met mine. I looked away from him quickly, trying to restrain myself from hitting him.

"Hello Tink." He smirked in his heavy British accent, his gaze now on Tink. "Thanks for watching my princess." I cringe at the nickname, already hating him even more than normal, but I knew that meant to go, so I stood up and walked to the boy. It was night and a breeze was in the air that I could feel as I stepped out onto the steps.

"I'm not your princess." I growled through gritted teeth, bumping Pan's shoulder as I passed him. Before I left, I looked back at Tink and nodded knowing the plan was in action. She nodded and closed the door. Pan and I walked to wherever in silence. I saw that he kept looking at me causing me to roll my eyes. "Can I help you with something?" I said irritated as I glared at him.

"No." He said plainly ass we continued to walk.

"Then can you stop looking at me?" I snapped at him.

"Why. This is my island, I can do what ever I want. He smirked. I just rolled my eyes at him as we stayed quiet for the rest of the trip. Although I couldn't see much, the island was very beautiful with tall trees that reached for the stars, swaying in the light breeze. The ferns and bushes rustled around us as we brushed past them.

We soon entered a camp with a huge fire with boys all dressed in brown cloaks, yelling and beating sticks while they danced around the roaring flames. Silence fell over them as they all looked at me a moment later. I guess they weren't used to having a girl at camp, judging that there were only boys in the camp. All around the fire, were scattered logs to sit on. I ignored the stares and looks as I went and sat on a log quickly, looking down as the boys went back to their dancing.

I could see Pan walk up to a boy who had shaggy blonde hair hidden behind a dark brown cloak that seemed to be worn and tattered at the end of it with a scar running down his left cheek past his eye. It was like someone tried to slash his eye but failed, giving him a 'don't mess with me' look and vibe.

I also noticed he was the only one that wasn't joining in on the party, instead distancing himself from the others. He possibly could have even been feared in the camp by how he and Pan were the only ones that were seen talking.  I distract myself by looking at my birthmark on my right wrist, it looked like a half of a star. For some reason, I felt like I know Pan, like I've know him my entire life. There was something that drew me to him, like a force. But we just met, so we couldn't have met before, I would have remembered. I look up at the blonde boy to see he was gazing into the fire like a statue. Wondering why he seemed to be so cut off and cold, I could tell to stay out of his way. My thoughts were cut off as I heard him speak to Pan.

"Pan. What took you so long?" I heard him say in a dark, deep voice, looking up at Pan.

"Got a little caught up in something, Felix." Pan explained, glancing at me. Felix. That was his name. I looked at the two with a look of pure hatred, stood up and stormed into the jungle. I didn't know why I did, I think I needed time to calm down, but I did know a few things. I didn't want to be here. I didn't belong here, and I didn't run away just to be kidnapped by a crazy boy. I ran to a clearing where a large tree was. I sat at the bottom of the tree, curled my knees to my chest and started to cry. It was quite peaceful and relaxing, it wasn't too cold, or to warm. The perfect night with no clouds in the sky. All I knew is that I needed to be alone with myself. I missed my mom, I missed my brother as I suddenly missed the life that I left behind. I wanted to go back, even if it wasn't the best, at least it was mine and I could control it.

After a while, my sleeves were damp with tears as well as my pants as I tried to calm myself down. A voice startled me as I looked up.

"It's dangerous to be out here at this hour." I heard the voice say. It was Pan.

His love. A OUAT Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) fan fiction. Completed. Where stories live. Discover now