Your Jealousy

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A/N ~ Dedicated to @Burning1999

Cal ~ You don't often get jealous. You trust Cal, but when a girl who knows that he belongs to you and flirts with him anyway? Well, you just teach them a lesson, most tend to be quite painful for the student, though...

Maven ~ Everyone in the kingdom has heard of you, they knew of you as the King's claim, his love, but also that you were a powerful force to be reckoned with. So on the rare occasion, a hoe forgot, you made sure she remembered.

Kilorn ~ He had no eyes for anyone but you, however, many had eyes for him, and sometimes, those eyes were quite painfully averted by you.

Shade ~  You growl at practically any girl that looks at Shade anywhere other than the eyes, and when they don't get the message, you do more than growl. Let me also say that Shade finds it very sexy when you get possessive.

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