The Talk

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Chapter 15

The Talk

I rushed swiftly grabbing my phone and dialled Elijah's number. I need to tell him everything. Well he act the same with me ? Or different ? It's so confusing. I don't really know what's right anymore.

Without realizing Elijah answered , I came back to reality. " Hello. Audrey? What happen? Are you alright?"

My stomache dropped when he asked of I'm alright. Of course I'm not alright. I just found out that I'm a witch! A freakin witch . But not just a witch a vampire and witch! This is unbelievable .

" Where are you at right now? I want to talk to you. " I asked sternly. This is not joking or kidding around . This is real stuff right now. I have to tell him.

" I'll text you a place where we could meet. " I heard a ding which ment he texted me the address. Not another abounded place. Please don't let it be.

" See you in a bit . Bye." I hope I didn't sound rude. Oh god . What if I did? Why am I being so emotional ? Stupid humanity!

I felt a gush of wind go through my hair the leaves dancing through the wind. Am I doing that ? I closed my eyes trying to control the wind. Don't fail on me now witch powers .

The gush of wind slowed down making me freak out. Leaving the heavy wind pick up again. Oh god , how could this be happening ?

Calm down Audrey. Just take a deep breath. I did as what I told myself and let the wind pipe down.

Now right now , I'm going to go where Elijah told me to and you're going to tell him everything. I looked at the text and new exactly where the place was at. Mystic Fall park. I remeber when it first open in 1855 , when I was 9 years old . I was so happy also Stefan , but Damon , being 13 , thought that we were 'immiture ' that we still have to play. I remeber smacking him with a stick and started running away from him . Life was so much easier back then. Well my mother died when I was 1 year old , so I never really had a mother figure. Having to grow up with men in your life is really tricky . Especially when you wanted to play with rag dolls with your twin brother.

I smiled remembering those times. I would give up anything to have my life back without any complications. Life is a bitch , so you have to face it.

I got to the park looking around at everything that changed. All we had was a sand box , a slide , and grass to run in. Now we have a swing set , a better slide , a bigger sandbox , and a smaller peice of grass to run in.

I got a bench where it was old and rusty and markings all over it. I looked to see if it still had my initials on it. Surely enough there was A.S. in it. My eyes started to sting at the memories. Freaken emotions. You have to act like it doesn't matter , Audrey.

I sat down trying to push the tears away. I felt a presence next to me . Knowing it was Elijah I started the conversation.

"So , I don't know if this is bad or good news , but I went to a witch name Amelia. Bonnie , Jeremy , Elena , Stefan , and Damon were there . Well , Amelia led me to her kitchen which their was a table right smack in the middle with witch herbs , vervain , and wolfsbane. The vervain and the witches herbs were the one which made me really dissy. She told me to lie in between the herbs , in which I did. She told Elena , Stefan , and Damon leave the room , so only Bonnie and Jeremy were with me. Bonnie helped Amelia with the spell which made me nervous. So when she was doing the spell , I felt this pain go through my body which made glass shatter . Damon and Stefan started pounding on the door , but when I was their everything happened in slow motion. " I took a deep breath and continued trying to calm down. " Eventually , the glass stopped shattering and I didn't feel pain anymore. Stefan and Damon busted through the door , while Amelia looked .. scared. I didn't know what was happening. She finally came into reality and told me that.. I'm .. well." I couldn't say what I was. Just say it Audrey! "She told me that I'm a ... witch."

I finally looked to my left where Elijah sat looking at me confused. "So you're a hybrid? Half vampire half witch . How could that be?" I shrugged not really knowing how that's possible. I know that my father's side is not a witch , but my mother's. I don't really know.

"You do know that Klaus is going to come to Mystic Falls and to get Elena? " Elijah asked looking at me concernly. I knew that Klaus would finally come to a city that I'm in . I know that he wouldn't come to the town because of me.

No guy well ever come into a town I'm in just for me. Their's always a stupid reason.

" I know." I sighed ,looking down , thinking over what I just thought. "What if he finds out that you're a hybrid?" I snapped up to him. He well NOT know.

"We'll hide it." I say simply. "He'll know and sense something is up." Why does every problem become into another problem?

"We'll worry about that later. Right now all I want is to relax and take everything else in." That is all I want and the truth.

"Here , I'll take you home." Elijah stood up lending me a hand. What a gentlemen.


Elijah parked his car just around the corner of the Boaring House making sure no one saw us.

"Thanks for the ride , Lijah." I smiled warmly and worn out. "You're welcome ." He smiled back. I leaned in him giving him a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder. I hope everything gets better later. I doubt it though.

I relased my arms around him and got out the car. I waved until he started driving away. I looked into the woods which was right in front me. It looks so calm and peaceful. It reminds me of so much. I practically grew up by the woods. One thing is I loved the 1800's well beside the corsets. I could hardly breathe in that thing.

I started walking to the Boarding House. I have to face Stefan and Damon now or never.

I opened the door wishing that their not here or asleep , but I doubt it their asleep . It barely 7:30.

"Where have you been Audrey!? I've been calling you for hours!" Damon yelled at me. I knew he would be the one who would yell at me. Stefan is the calm one.

"I know. I just had to get some fresh air and get everything that happen today through." I looked down bitting my lip.

"I know you needed time to think , but you could of atleast called."Damon took a few steps toward me standing in front of me know.

"Damon's right , Aud. We were worried sick." Stefan said quietly coming towards me to give me a hug. I like hugs if you haven't noticed.

" I'm just ... tired." I replied sighing knowing that I'm more than tired.

I'm exhausted of everything.


I'm back!! I know I said I was going to update last Saturday , but something came up unexpected so I didn't have time. All this week I've been busy with family emergency , but I'm not busy anymore so I'll update faster. I'll try to update every 4 - 8 days being the latest. I don't have anything this week , so if I could have 12 votes and 2 comments this chapter by Monday I'll update Friday since I started the next chapter already .

Also, on the right is Lucy Hale played by Audrey Salvatore. This chapter is also unedited so sorry for mistakes.

12 votes and 2 comments. Thanks !


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