Seeing the Witch part 2

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Chapter: 14

Recap :

Well it's now or never.

Present :

Everybody meaning Elena, Stefan, Jeremy, Bonnie, Damon, and I stood in a straight line observing our surroundings.

"What is this place?" asked Elena. Really Elena . You asked that question out of all the questions .

"That is a witch house. " Damon said slightly smirking putting an arm around my shoulder in a pretective way. Why are we standing out here? Can't we just go inside and get this over with?

"Lets go." I answered feeling glumly. The faster we go see this witch, the faster we leave this place. I walked to the front door, everybody else hot in my trail, and knock on the door.

A few seconds later a older women answered the door. She couldn't look younger than 57 .

"May I help you, Audreyanna Salvatore?" she answered like she already knew what I wanted. Nope this isn't creepy at all.

"How do you know her name?" Bonnie asked standing next to me.

"I sensed she was coming half a mile away. She's sick and needs my help. Also , Damon and Stefan Salvatore, Jeremy and Elena Gilbert, and you Bonnie Bennett are with her." Ok again not creepy at all. Ok just a jar full of creepiness.

" Well don't just stand their looking creeped out,come in." She opened the door wider let us all in. It was a small house. On the right was the kitchen and on the left was a bedroom and a bathroom. So this house may not be that creepy, but everything else is .

"Come in the kitchen I have everything ready." Amelia said while she led us to the kitchen.

"This is creepy." I heard Jeremy say behind me. "Jeremy!" Elena yelled/whispered. Oh Jeremy, you are so right.

When I walked into the kitchen there was a table right smack in the middle with herbs all around it the edges like a oval. Ok? My stomache sturred at the herbs smell.Oh no.

"What are these herbs?" I looked at the herbs. Theirs wolfsbane, witches herbs, and vervain? I hope I don't faint with the smell.

"Just some herbs that well help me figure out what's making you sick." She said while stirring something. I took a deep breath, which wasn't a good idea since it made me dissy.

"Honey, you're a witch right? A Bennett witch?" Amelia asked Bonnie. Bonnie just nodded her head looking kinda of lost.

"Well you be a dear and help me with the spell?"

"Sure." Bonnie smiled. Of course she would say 'yes'. She wants to know what Amelia is going to do with me, so she'll learn more. Not that I'm complaining though. I just don't want Elena to be here.

I looked at Damon, who was next to me, checking out the creppy paintings in the old rusty walls. I looked Stefan who was in the other side of me with Elena right next to him. Of course. Doesn't he ever get sick of her? I mean seriously she's holding his hand which is n.a.s.t.y. I looked in back of me which Jeremy was chuckling at a painting and Bonnie who was smelling some herbs. I kinda have weird friends.

"Alirght, I think I'm ready. Audreyanna, honey, just lay down in the middle. Everybody else only 1 person could be here." Amelia looked up looking at everybody seeing who was going to stay with me. How the hell am I going to get in the middle without touching the vervain?

"I'll stay with her." Stefan and Damon said in unsion. Here we go again with the fighting. I took a chair and stuck it close to the table. I stood on the chair and put a foot on the middle of the table. I got in perfectly without touching any of the herbs. Like a boss. No, not really.

"No I am. You could go sit with your girlfriend." Damon argued.

"She's my twin. I'm staying here."

Seriously why can't they just stop? First they want to be a good brother by staying here with me, then when their not being a 'good' brother they fight about Elena. Now I'm kinda got used of them fighting about Elena but seriously me. I'm not something special. They were never like this. Sometimes I just wish that Katherine never came in Mystic Falls 1864. I could of been happy with a normal husband with kids. Everything would of comed out easier. But you wouldn't meet the Mikaelsons. I hate the voices in my head when I know their right.

"No. I am."

"No none of you guys are because I am. " Jeremy answered. Oh, um, ok. I don't know why he's staying with me, but I hope he doesn't have a crush on me or like me because that would be weird. A 16 year old liking a 145 year old.

"Ok now somebody made their choice , everybody get out and stay in the living room." Amelia said shooing them away. My stomache stirred when I took a deep breath. I hope there isn't wrong with me...

I looked next to me which Jeremy was next to me sitting in a chair smiling. Ok Audrey, try not to faint and just stay calm.

"Alright. Let us begin." I looked up seeing Amelia start mumbling ancient words. Suddenly, I fellt this rush of pain go through my body. I couldn't really describe the pain, but it was like millions of knives were stabbing me every singe peice of my body. I couldn't help but to scream.

Everything felt like it was slowly ripping apart. I heard glass breach on a cups and plate. What's happening? I turned to where Jeremy was standing yelling at Amelia to stop and pounding on the door.

All of a sudden, the pain went away and everything stopped breaking. I feel nothing. I stood up not caring about the herbs and just looked around. Everybody was starring at me. I heard somebody bust the door open and come in. I never left at the sight of them starring at me. Damon, Stefan, and Elena came into view looking curiously. I don't feel like myself anyone. I feel new and refreshened. I don't feel like the poor vampire who never expreinced true love in return. Or the girl who was turned into a vampire by a pyscho bitch who seduced my brothers.

"It can't be.." Amelia was the first one to speak up. It can't be what?

"What is it?" Elena asked turning around looking at Amelia.

"She's. She's a ..witch." Did I just hear wrong? I'm a what? A witch? How can I be a witch? My family tree aren't witches. I can't be a witch. If I am, then how isn't Damon and Stefan a witch ?

"How the hell can I be a witch? How come Damon and Stefan aren't witches?" I yelled coming back to reality. This can't be happening to me!

"Apparently, your witch side was kicking in , so it refused the vampire blood making you sick. Damon and Stefan, their witch side is practically dormid making the vampire side 100% in control." Amelia explained. I think I'm going to be sick again. This really can't be happening.

Being confused, furious, and stubborn I am, I used my vampire speed to get to the middle of the woods.

This can't be really happening. Yeah, this is just a dream. A horrible dream . I'm going to wake up in my room and everything would be the same. Oh who am I kidding! I am a witch and a vampire. A hybrid. Same as, no I won't let him know. He would just want to control me. I have to tell Elijah though. Elijah....he must be worried sick!

I got to a tree that was in front of me , and I puched it with all my might . Letting my anger out, I used my vampire speed to get to Elijah.

I'm a witch and I well have to accept it.


Haha! Did you guys expect that? No, well surprise!!

Thank you everyone that voted and commented in the last chapter. It always makes me happy when I see you guys vote. Well, their side there's a trailer, so I hope you guys enjoy it! Also, this is unedited to sorry for silly mistakes.

10 votes for this chapter and I'll post Saturday.

Love you guys !


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