Story Time and School

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Chapter - 3 Story Time and School

Song - Cage The Elephant - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

Its been a few days since we saw Katherine ..well since I did. Tomorrow I'm going to go to school FUN! *thumbs up*

Right now it's 11:30, I'm wearing my sweats and a t-shirt I got from Stefan. I'm sitting in my bed ice cream in front of me with my favorite spoon watching Pretty Little Liars screaming who 'A' is . I'm obsessed with this show just to let you know.

"Hey Aud, can you please keep quiet some people need there beauty sleep" Damon said half asleep and half annoyed. "Ahhh! " I threw my favorite spoon and him which he easily catched. I gave him an annoyed look.

"Oh god, Damon you scared the crap out of me. " I said while putting my hands over of my chest.

Damon rolled his eyes. "Ok don't let the boogie man get you and drag you under the bed to another universe" he said smirking closing the door.

I gave him my best pissed face for reminding me of that and turned of the tv my putting the ice-cream away in my mini fridge, cool right? I got out of my room and went to Stefan's room. Ok I might be a vampire and be a worst nightmare to humans but I'm scared of the boogie-man.


"Damon I don't want to go to sleep." A little girl who looked about 7, said stubbornly to his brother.

"But you have to, Stefan is asleep just go " a 11 year old name Damon, said while carrying his baby sister and putting her down in a small bed . He tucked her in and kissed her goodnight. Once he closed the door, she got out of bed and went to her twin Stefan who is sleeping quietly.

"Steffie." Nothing. She got impatient that she couldn't go to sleep.

"Steffie" She said again slightly moving him . Stefan turned around and stood up straight and asked " What happen?" while yawning "I can't go to sleep "little Audrey stated looking down at the floor.

  "Well I'm tired, so go sleep with Damon cuz I have a small bed and you snore and kick alot " I stuck my tongue out at him even though he couldn't see me and went to Damon's room. I may kick a lot and snore, but I'm good at cuddling. I quietly opened the door and walked up to Damon's bed. I hold the covers up and put myself in bed. Nice and comfy now.

"Audreyanna , what are you doing here?" Damon turned over to look at me ."I can't sleep" I shrugged. It was the truth. I don't know why I can't sleep.

"Do you want to hear a story"

"Yes I like stories ," I happily announced. I'm happy to say that I could read and write.

"Ok ,once upon a time there was a little girl name Lucy . She also had a brother name Ezekiel . One night , Lucy couldn't go to sleep ,so she kept annoying Ezekiel .Her brother told her to go to sleep or the boogie man was gonna get her , but of course she didn't believe him. So later, when she was trying to go to sleep she heard something under her bed. She remebered what Ezekiel told her and went under her covers. Later, she heard the noise again ." By now Audrey's eyes were popped out ,the covers were under her mouth as she listened to the story  . " She then thought that her brother was playing with her, so she took off the covers . She looked up and saw the one and only ' Boogie Man' . She yelled but her mouth was covered of the Boogie Man hands. He dragged her under the bed and disappeared forever" Damon finished . Audrey was now scared for life .

"I'm tired I'm gonna go to sleep , night Damon." She got off the bed and ran to hers. Damon smirked in satisfaction and went to sleep.

     ~End of Flashback~

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