Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Song : Panic! At The Disco - Miss Jackson

I parked my car across the street only to find Elijah walking by. Wow that was easy. I thought it we be a lot harder considering I found him 25 minutes ago in a map. I guess I'm good at finding people.

I got out of the car being cool and all that shit. I really need to stop talking to myself. I walked across the street only finding Elijah staring at a window and playing with change.

I looked through the window seeing who he was spying at Damon, Rose, and a random guy. Why would he be spying at Damon and, ugh, Rose. After Rose kidnapped me, I'm don't forgive and foreget easily.

"Elijah!" I yelled running up to him. The same time I said his name he threw the coins to the window which shaddered into pieces. What the hell is wrong with him? I shrugged down seeing glass shaddering everywhere. Great I hope I don't mess up this blouse. It's brand new!

"What the hell, Elijah?" I yelled smacking him playfully. He turned around looking at me.

"Audrey? What are you doing here?" He looked at me with confused eyes. I'm here to tell you that I'm bored. Yeah that would totaly work and convience him. He'll just say he has work to do.

"Oh, um, I want answers." Answers? With what? God I suck at this.

"Ok, I'll tell you everything you want to know." He asked. See this is why I like Elijah. Answer now ask questions later.

"Walk with me." I led the way to a coffee shop I was while I drove by.

"So what happen?" I asked curoius why exactly he's here. I haven't seen him for almost 70 years and now he decided to stop by. I really missed him.

"What happen with what? Why I'm here?" He opened the door for me to the coffee shop. What a gentlemen. There isn't have these kinds of guys anymore.

"Yeah. I haven't seen you for almost 70 years and you finally see me, but not for me but for Elena." Why does everything need to be about Elena. I mean I see how she's pretty, but why does she always get the attention. I'm sick at it. Elena this. Elena that! Why don't I even get attention . I don't like to be a attention whore, but I don't want anybody to toss me around. It's like with my brothers. I know Stefan is my twin, but it doesn't seem like it. We were best friends when we were smaller. Even with Damon we would always play around and when I get in trouble with father, Damon was there for me because he knows what it felt like. But that all changed 1864. Everything changed that year. They stopped paying attention to me and put all their attention to Katherine.

I made a friend name Anna, but I don't think she really liked that much. Now everything is the same as 1864.

" I know Audrey, but Klaus is despered to release his werewolf side." He answered looking through my eyes.

"What would you guys like?" The cashier answered.

"I'll have a pumkin spice latte, please ." I answered first.

"I'll just have coffee." Elijah answered. I'll normally pick coffee, but I've been craving pumkin spice latte.

"That'll be $5.67 ." The blonde cashier smiled at Elijah sending him a wink. I tried to hide my laugh.. Before I got out a ten dollar bill, Elijah gave her a ten also. So much for that.

"$4.43 is your change and here's your order. Have a nice day." The cashier smiled at Elijah. Seriously?

I got my cup and sat in a seat in they way back. Elijah, hot on my heels, sat in front of me.

"So. How is Klaus." I whispered looking at the table. I thought about the day he asked me.        


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