Chapter 12

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I bite her Reagan says. Both Harry and I look towards the door to see Reagan standing there with a relaxed look. I'm surprised Reagan would say he bite me. But I just stand there speechless. Why would you bite her? Harry getting visible angry with every word being spoken. Reagan walking closer to me and Harry continues to say it was by accident. I only bite her from getting attack by your Beast. She wouldn't stop so I bite her to stop her from getting killed but now I know it was useless. I release the breathe I'm holding but it doesn't go unnoticed by Harry. You knew he bite you and didn't say anything. I hesitate to reply but I know by not saying the anything the situation will only get worst. It was by accident Harry, I would have told Reagan about it but he didn't remember anything. The lie came easily but I hope what I'm saying is convincing. Harry shakes his head taking it all in. I'm sorry Reagan for keeping you in the dark about everything. It hasn't been easy remembering everything. It really shocking knowing this incident happened. Im just happy to remember as well say Reagan. I'm glad Reagan replies Harry. If you don't mind I would like to speak with Suri alone. I don't want to be left alone with him but I have no choice. Reagan leaves and Harry shuts the door behind him. I stand waiting for him to speak. He walks up to me. Tomorrow we are going to the Healer grounds to learn more about your past. We will stay in Ausylren and not go back to my apartment. He words hit hard but I give him no emotion. His stubborn, and I have no idea what to do next. You finding about my past will not solve your issues. You are so focused on finding how to stop your Beast when you know there something more. I come close to him hoping he can understand what I'm saying. He shakes his head to disagree with me. All you want is to leave and forget this happen. You know that's not true Harry. I have been more then patience. After speaking with the Beast I know how complicated things are for you. That's good that you know Suri. He grasps my hand and whisper the word Anishu. A magical band appears on hand. I pulled away from his grip staring at the band on the finger. What is this? I ask him. It's a spherical Ring. It show me everything that happens when you talk with Beast. Also, if you trying to leave it will let me know of your presence. You and I are the only once that can see it. I'm so mad that he put a detector on me. I'm so angry that I slap him. I'm shocked I did it but I'm happy as well. He laughs at me while touching his face. Redness shows on his face but instantly disappears. He quickly turns monstrous and grabs me by my arms bringing me close to him. How dare you slap me. I turn my face away from him. He puts his hand to my face to look him in eye. He lingers near my face telling me that I must do well to behave. Im mesmerized by his words while moving closer to him. I have this sudden strong pull come over. I try to focus but I can only focus on his soft pink lips. What the heck am I thinking. His face changes to a confused look while I stand there trying to get a grip of the situation. Are you okay he say. I'm going insane but I have this urge to kiss him. Why is this happening. I can't take it anymore, I get on my toes and kiss him. I wanna kiss him even more, the feeling of unbearable desire. He stands still unable to understand what in the hell I'm doing. I deepen the kiss and I feel Harry's hands around my arms. I know he will push me away and demand to know what the hell I'm doing. I didn't even think things could worse after this argument. I feel Harry pull me close to him but I'm more surprised towards him. I can't believe his kissing me back. He lifts me of the ground and I wrap my arms and legs around. I never felt such a passionate kiss like this but I couldn't stop. I have no idea why he's kissing me back. He walks to the bed, dropping me before scooping in a kiss. I feel he is hard between my legs. I can see the the lining in his grey sweat pants. Our hands are all over each other. His body is built like a greek god, I wanna touch every part. Every part so perfect and well put together. His touch to my skins is like fire, the sensation tingles to my core. Then the most dreadful thing happens, his mother knocks on the door telling us she coming in. I quickly push Harry off of me, and he swiftly moves to the other side of the room. She walks in so gracefully, meanwhile Harry and I look disheveled. Is everything okay she ask? Yes, everything is fine mother. I'm glad Harry, I was calling you two to come down for breakfast. You father is getting impatient. Okay mom we will be down soon. I just have to finish talking with Suri.
Suri dear, are you okay? I'm speechless so I shake my head. I will see you guys soon. She leaves closing the door behind her. Harry swiftly moves back to me. I squeal at his sudden movement. Be quiet he tells me, while hovering his hands over my lips. I'm immediately turned on but something about  this situation is different. He demeanor is claiming as he holds me close. I don't know what happen over night but I feel this strong urge to touch him. Why are you tempting me he says to me. His words so clear that it strikes a nerve. Why was I doing this I ask myself.

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