Chapter 3

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I felt darkness as I entered his mind. Complete darkness, but this feeling felt to familiar. At the end of the darkness I see a light, I start to run towards it. Trying to escape but I end up in a big room. There is little boy sitting on the floor playing with his toys. He looks like the beast, but sweeter and innocent. I hear adults voices approaching, I turn to see his mother and the father. The father being the head of the Mont Beast.He continues by stating that their son has the beast gene. The mother, looks distressed by his words. "No" she utters, he can't be the beast. The father continues by saying the child has power no other royal family has. He can't control the child and eventually he will bound by the awakening of the beast. The oracle witch had spoken that he will needed to find his mate in order to subdue the beast. I don't trust that witch, she doesn't know him. He is only child.
Once he gets older he will not be able to control the beast his father says.
Jane picks up the child and cuddles him towards her. My child is no beast Alexander, I will not let this happen. Look at his eyes Jane he is not ordinary child. As I'm listening to his father, I can feel the child eyes on me. As if he knows I'm there. He blinks and the atmosphere changes. I'm standing outside in beautiful garden. It's so beauty that it reminds me I'm still in his mind. That I'm still in the Montagren Estate. I walk around the garden and hear shouting between to males. I walk closer and see its a older version of the father and the son. I see Harry yelling that he will not be controlled by his father and that he is seventeen years old. His father reminds him that he is king that he will not be disobeyed. His father words upset him and I can see him eyes changing color.
I can see that the beast is taking control. In the distance I see mother moving swiftly like the speed of light towards her husband and son trying separate them. She pulls Harry away, telling him to calm down and to get ready for school. Harry visible upset calms down and walks towards the house and away from his parents.
Jane turns to her husband, asking him what is going on? He looks distressed and warns her of their son's growing powers. She takes a step back and states that he is only a child. Alexander upset by her words, yells that he is losing reality and that beast is getting stronger. The medicine the oracle gave him is not weakening the beast powers.
I'm shocked to hear that he is taking medicine to subdue the beast. I'm so deep in my thought, that I forget Harry was leaving for school. I can feel the atom sphere changing again and I find myself in the back seat of Harry's car,. He starts to slowing down to pick up his friend on his way to school. I recognize the boy from school. I blush thinking of how I had biggest crush on him in high school. Reagan Montsege. His family was a part of the Mont Royals. Reagan turns towards him asking what is wrong? Harry replies that his father is controlling him about his powers, that he is losing himself. He continues by saying no can control him.
Reagan gives him a look to calm down. He try's to change the subject about how he can achieve the different power levels. Harry smiles complimenting his advances. Reagan continues he cannot wait to advances more to reach his full potential.
As I sit listening to the boys we pull up to the school. They walk towards the school, as stand there wondering why I was back at the place I hate the most. Why did he bring me here. I'm drawn to the movements of Harry towards the school. I follow the boys into the hallway and I look around still feeling out of place as I did many years before.
I try to look around and see my younger self in the far distance. It pains me to see myself in the same outfit and innocences I had before meeting with the beast. The incident occurs today, I see from the angel the distance between Harry and I. He never noticed me, but I always noticed Reagan.
I wish I could have warned myself about the beast but I couldn't. I felt more defeated as I did that day. I walk toward myself feeling empty. This is moment when I lost it all.

Awakening the Beast(BWWM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن