Chapter 11

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I'm numbed by his words, everything from this moment is a blur. He's so close I feel his presence even stronger then before. I push back saying he doesn't know me. I will go back to my life once I leave this Estate. You will never escape this life Suri. You are the key to everything that has happened. Once you allow the feeling to overcome you. Harry will awaken you just like you did to him. I'm not a Beast like him, Im a healer. Come on Suri, what you did at that school is not what a normal healer is. How do you think you stopped the beast all by yourself. You are one of kind Rougue. How do you know this I ask. The Beast has the knowledge of all beast before him. Harry has enough control of the beast but the oracle witch is stopping him from developing. He will never find his mate because she's poisoning his powers. That's why I can awake so easily. You are his guide to find his way and he will understand everything if you let him. You need to gain his trust to not let fears of his family cripple him. He will die without his mate. What does the witch want from him? She has hatred due to the powers she can not develop. She practices the darkest of magic to perform the impossible. She will manipulate everything and blind everyone from the truth. I don't have energy to continue and Harry needs to be awaken. Goodbye Suri until we meet again. All the suddenly the beast is gone and Harry collapses into my arms. He is super heavy but I manage to put him in his bed. I watch over his body with tears streaming down my face. I can't believe what the beast said. I need to know what's  going on but I feel like I can't trust anyone. Especially knowing what the beast said about the witch. I leave the room and head to my room to get a goodnight rest. I know tomorrow  will be bring many more challenges I must face. I fall asleep instantly like I never have in my life. I wake up the next morning to Find Harry standing over me. I immediately sit up in the bed wondering what the hell is going on. I crawl towards him thinking he is some how not wake and the beast is still in control. I'm on my knees in the bed standing in front of him. I'm so glad he is back to normal. I just stand there looking at him. I give him a hug and He hugs me back but I feel his a little stunted by it. I pull back to tell him sorry but he say is it's okay. How are you feeling I ask him. I'm okay, but I have this big gap missing from yesterday. I feel his frustration but I keep quiet. Reagan told me I attacked you yesterday. I'm sorry Suri, I never meant to hurt you. It's okay I know you weren't your self. All I remember is this sensation of something not being right. I could sense that you weren't okay  and it triggered something in me. The next thing I know I'm not myself. What happen that  made you scared? I look at him wondering how I should answer his question. What is it Suri, did something happen he aggressively asks me. I tell him that Reagan knows everything. He remember what happen in high school. His memories were triggered when you appeared in front of us. He rubs his hand thru his hair looking annoyed by the whole situation. I try to pull him back to explain that Reagan apologized. He will want to ask more question later on. I should have told him the truth when I had the chance. I'm still trying to figure everything out. You have no idea how I have been living my life Suri. After what happen I was isolated from everything. I was the hidden prince that nobody knew. I was dangerous to everyone around me. I listen to what he's saying but deep down I'm crushed. I'm sorry for what happened. What I really want to know Suri is what you are and how you are able to awaken the beast. If I knew what happen from the being I would have lived a different life. Your Beast can awaken so easily because you powers are being drained from you. The beast told me the witch is poisoning you to make you weak. Also she is the biggest threat to your family. He takes step back astound by what I just told him. I know he will not respond well to it. That's impossible she would do that. She has helped my family for centuries. I don't know why the beast said that to you but I advise you not to repeat it. You know something isn't right Harry it's not only about me. It is about you Suri, you are the problem. His words hurt but I don't back down. I get out of the bed to stand in front of him. I didn't cause your Beast to awaken Harry. It can sense something is wrong. You are not using your sense. I will not let you speak to me this way Suri. Just send me back home and you won't ever hear from me again. That's what you want Suri, to leave me here to deal with everything. While you live your comfortable life. You will never leave this place until I know everything. I can leave if I want Harry I'm not bound to you. You can't keep throw tantrums at me. I had enough of you telling me what to do. I will leave! I turn to go but he pulls me back. I look up to see his eyes fixed in the side of my neck. What is this Suri he says? I look at the mark he gave me unsure how to explain it. Forgetting this whole time that my neck and shoulders are exposed. Who the fuck bite you?

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