Chapter 4

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The bell sound makes the movements in the hall faster.  I'm stuck watching the students pass by me. I see my younger self running towards class. I walk in and see Harry and Reagan, I dread following them into the class. Instead of paying attention to the boys, I look at my younger self wondering how much I have changed as a woman. It bought tears to my eyes. I sit there all alone, feeling the distance from my peers. I  felt out of place. There were many different creatures in the schools from; healers , witches, as well as the beasts. They were the most power in the branch. Everyone had their special powers. It's  broken into different branches of mystical creatures. Most of the creatures live in the Ausylren State but some live in the human world. I preferred the human world. It was less complicated and it was easier being a healer. Healer's weren't considered anything in Ausylren. We were the lowest branch of mystical magic. Over the years, the healers power had to be bound due to the ability to overthrow one's free will. I hear ruckus in the room and see Harry has a boy by the throat lift all the way in the air. The boy is choking and struggling to get out of Harry's grip. Harry throws the boy across the room towards my younger self. I don't how it happened,but before I could look up I stop the boy with my mind from hitting me. Everyone in the room is shocked by my action. Harry swiftly moves towards me telling me to lower him, although I  have no-idea how I'm still holding him up. My younger self cowards by Harry's intense gaze. He thinks I'm disobeying his order so he grasp me by my throat. All I can see is his reds eyes piercing through my soul . I can tell in this moment he wasn't normal. I'm looking at him and see the beast in his beating inside his chest in order to be freed. My younger self can also see he is the beast. Reagan moves next to Harry telling to him to calm down. Of course he doesn't listen and continues to do as he wants. I feel my younger self losing oxygen by his grip. But the next thing that happens shocks me even more til this day. My eyes turn sliver grey and I grip his hand from my throat and return the pain. Pushing his hand towards the ground and making him kneel. I can feel everyone's gaze on . They are all shocked by my action. Hell, I was shocked as well, no had ever made a royal prince kneel. This is when he looses it. He loudly growls at me showing me his dominance over me but for some reason I'm unfazed. I push his hand back away from me, which makes him even more mad. Everyone in the room has moved away from us. It's only me and Harry facing each other. He growls again and I can feel the beast is taking over and he is about to loose control. The younger me is still standing strong and not willing to kneel and ask for forgiveness. In My whole life  I never felt as strong as I did that day. I don't why but Harry brought out that side me. He continues to growl making everyone afraid but I stand there without even blinking. He tells everyone to get out. I wish at this moment I would have left the room with the other students. Reagan doesn't  leave because he sacred what Harry will do. He tells one of the students to go get a professor. He again moves towards Harry but he knows that he lost his senses. Instead he moves towards me telling to get out but I don't move. I swiftly move him towards the door with my mind, which makes him utterly confused. He continues to yell at me, warning me how dangers it is. While paying attention to him, Harry advances towards me and pushing me every hard towards the wall. The impact is very direct. I wince at seeing my younger self body hitting the wall. But for some miracle I get up, not feeling any pain. I can see Harry and Regan amazed that I'm still alive by the impact. Healers have no super strength like the other creatures. We  are considered like humans basically. From the distance I see Harry is no longer himself but has transformed into the beast. H is growing so fast my eyes have a no time react. He demolish the roof of class by his suddenly growth. He swiftly is running and engaging towards me, while destroying the infrastructure of the building. Watching my  younger self and Harry engage in a fight is still painfully to watch. With both our powers over powering us. Reagan still shouting at me to move and get out now. Of course I don't listen. I'm still there unmoved by the beast. He swings his beastly hand at me and I slide on the ground digging into the floor. Before I can get up the beast is hovering over me gripping me down with his huge hand. He  continues to growling at me and this moment anyone would say I was a goner. While the beast holds her down I can feel her powers growing and not accepting defeat. She moves so quickly out of his grip again which infuriates him even move more. At this point I'm sure he wants me dead.
I see in the corner of my eyes, Reagan moving towards me and lifts me up and starts to run away with me. Which cause Harry to run after us, and  continuously destroying the rest of the building. Reagan puts me down and telling me to leave before the beast kills me. I can see I'm not listening to him and he is getting furious with my rebels way. He turns my face towards, he see my grey eyes. He asks me "what am I?"

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