Chapter 7

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I feel so peacefully that I'm unfazed by what happen earlier. I'm sleeping like I have worry in the world, when I actually do. My mind finally senses I'm not in my bed, awakes me from my long slumber. I start to wake and see the room that has blend of grey and white. I sit up to look around trying to remember what happen. The room is gorgeous and simply that I feel at home. The room smells enchanting due to the different candles on the side table. I get up to walk around the room to find clues of where I'm at. I open a door and I see bathroom with a walking closet. As I'm making my towards the closet I see myself in huge mirror. I'm so shocked at my appears, my curly hair in rumble, my lipstick and mascara are all ruined. I run towards the sink trying to fix my self but I feel like nothing can help. I wash my face with water and drying my face with a towel. I look up to see Harry in the mirror, I scream by his sudden appearance. He moves swiftly next to me to his hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming. His body is firmly against my body, and the way he is holding me is domineering. He turns me around to tell me to "shut up". His warm breathe on my face, he suddenly moves back leaving a cold distance between us. I look at him frustrated by his actions. I ask him why am I here. Of course he doesn't answer and walks out of the bathroom. I follow behind him to ask him again but instead I walk right into his back. He sighs heavily, turns around to tell him that I'm not going anywhere until I figure out how I stop the beast. I reply that I don't even know what happen that day. I never experienced anything like that since I ran away. He asks who my parents are?
I'm stunted by his statement but I try to keep a natural face. I tell him I'm an orphan, I have no family. He looks confused by my words. He ask every creature in Ausylren are connected to family, which one was I in?  I don't know, I know that I'm healer and I never knew my family. Im angry that keeps asking all the questions. The door bell rings, he walks out the room towards the door. I walk out as well and see his gorgeous apartment. I'm in awe and cannot help but to look around. His apartment is simply and rich that it makes my apartment feel like a distant memory. I pick up picture of his family, they look so happy. In the picture I see his mother and father and his younger twin siblings. They  looks so happy it makes me kind of jealous. "Who are you" I turn around to see Reagan in front of me.  I'm so amazed that he is alive that drop the picture frame  on the floor. It smash to the floor but I don't care I keep staring at Reagan. "You are alive" I say to him, he bends down to pick up the frame. He calls to Harry to tell him that I broke  a frame and to bring a broom. He looks at me and asks why wouldn't he be alive. I'm speechless at his question that I have no idea if he remembers what happened like Harry. Harry returns with a maid to clean up the glass on the floor. While Reagan moves to the couch with Harry and I stand there unaware of what is going on. Harry motions me to sit down so we can talk. I move to the couch but I'm unable to keep my eyes of Reagan. Watch where your going and sit down Harry angrily yells at me. I give him an angry look back and tell him to stop telling what to do. Reagan lifts his head to look at me, I feel out of place so I hurry to sit down. I sit down and look at the two men in front of me. Never in my life would have imagined me sitting here with the two most popular boys in my high school. I think this is most I have ever spoken to them. I look at Reagan, I can't believe his alive. I'm so happy that a small smile appears on my face. I'm staring so much that Reagan says to stop looking at him. His voice so deep like Harry that it shakes my core. I feel my face start to blush but thank god for my dark skin that it  goes unnoticed. I turn to look away and for some reason my eyes land on Harry. He has this piercing gaze, he looks angry as always. He starts to speaks to introduce me to Reagan, he tells Reagan that my name is Suri Aragon. Reagan quickly says hello, turns to Harry to ask what I'm I doing here. My heart drops at his words thinking he remembers what happen in High school. I feel a rush of sadness, I start to feel small sitting on the couch. Harry tells him that I'm healer that is assigned to him to help him control his emotions. I turn my head so fast at Harry that I think I give myself  whiplash. I'm confused as to why he is lying but I keep my mouth shut. Reagan shakes his head that he understands. He look at me to say hello and to make sure I help his cousin. I tell him that I will do my best but I don't think he even heard me. Reagan and Harry continue to talk to each other while I try to glance at the both of them. They both have alpha male status about them. Reagan was built strong but you could see Harry was stronger. Both have similar face structure of Greek gods. Reagan having dark hair and blue eyes and Harry dark blonde with blue eyes.
Except Harry was really different, there was something  about him I couldn't fully comprehend. I didn't know him every well but something happened that both of us can't explain. Our lives have been so different since we were born. We are basically strangers that were never meant to meet again.
Harry feels my gaze on him and turns his head a little. I see his eyes flicker from his normal blue eyes to the beast golden reds. I gasp putting both of my hands on my mouth, fuck now I have both of them looking at me wondering what is going on.

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