The Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

                "Try anything and I either rip her throat out or blow her brains out. I haven't decided which I want to do yet." He threatened.

                 "Get them to safety. That's an order." I yelled, knowing that if I pulled my rank on him that he would have to listen.

                "Let's go back in the house." Dillon said, dragging me towards the house once again.

                  I gave Gavin a look, demanding that he listened to me. Just as Dillon was about to shut the front door of the house, I saw Gavin and Alia running away with the twins. I could die tonight happy knowing that they were safe. Dillon threw me onto the floor, not caring to be gentle about it.

                 "I never liked those brats. They were always in the way." He said.

                  "Please, just let me go. I've suffered enough. I'll do whatever you want if you just let me go." I pleaded, hoping to stall until Gavin could go get backup and save me.

                  "You've caused me so much trouble Isabella. And frankly, you're not even worth it anymore." He said, shaking his head.

                  "I've done everything you've said for years and now you're going to kill me?" I asked.

                  "You caused a war for crying out loud. You know how many men are going to be killed from this pack that is helping me? I'm going to have to move and find a new pack to control. The Alpha was a joke here, had no idea how to rule." He said

                  "And you know how to rule?" I asked.

                  "Hell yes I do. Sadly, you were the one person I could never truly have full control of. You just keep disobeying and causing problems." He snapped.

                  I was about to speak when the front door opened. I was expecting Gavin or even Jace but to my despair it was just Jason. When he saw me an unemotional look stayed on his face. He wasn't even shocked that I was out of the basement or that Alia and the twins were gone. Jason was about to speak but Dillon's phone started to ring.

               "I need to go outside, an update on the war is calling. Stay here and don't let her leave." Dillon instructed.

                 As soon as he was outside, I said, "When he comes back in, he's going to kill me."

                "Is that supposed to make me feel sorry for you?" He asked.

                "I don't want your pity, but he's a vampire. He ruined my life when I did nothing to him. He raped me every day. He drank my blood. He told my children that he was their father and tried to raise them into hating me, their own mother. He would turn them into monsters. I know you hate Jace, but I'm your sister-in-law and my children are your niece and nephew. I'm a werewolf, who has hurt just like you have. I may not have been a rogue for that long, but I have been tortured for years now. I don't deserve to die and neither do you. And once he comes back in, we're both dead." I said.

               He was about reply when the front door opened back up. I wasn't sure if I had gotten to him or not. Would he help or sit back and watch my execution? Dillon walked over to me, caressing my face in a romantic way. What was he doing? That's when he grabbed me by the throat and pinned me against the nearest wall.

               "I decided that I wanted to drink your blood as a slow and painful death. Jace will come and find you drained of all the blood in your body. That way I get a tasty meal to make me stronger and I get to kill you in the process." He said, a smirk growing on his face.

                My eyes widened with fear, he was really going to kill me. Jason stared at the interaction, not saying a word. Just as I thought, I didn't get through to him. He doesn't even care if I'm dead. I knew I couldn't go down without a fight. Without thinking, I used every strength left in my body and slammed my right fist into his face, nearly knocking in over. I knew I was at a disadvantage since I had a cast on and with wolfsbane in my system I wasn't nearly as strong or fast as him but what was I supposed to do, let him kill me?

               He was taken back by my sudden willingness to fight him. He took a swing at me and surprisingly I managed to dodge it and back further away from him. This seemed to piss him off even more so he used his super speed and raced over to me, knocking me unto the ground. My head slammed against the hardwood flooring, making my vision blurry for a second. At first I thought I was going to blackout but thankfully my vision came back.

              What I hated to see was Dillon right above me, fangs out. He was holding my body down as I tried to struggle away from him. I could feel my energy slowly draining from my body. There was a rage in Dillon's eyes as he held me down. He leaned in closer and I knew he was about to kill me. I closed my eyes waiting for his fang to pierce my neck, but it never came. 


OMG Hello strangers!!!!! I'm sooooooooo sorry for the delay, college was just a pain in the butt and I just had little time to write. But I promise I'm finishing this book soon. Like there is only two chapters left!!!!! I promise not to take forever to update again and I'm hopeful everyone will still read this even though its taken forever to be written. 

I'm debating whether to add more of Jace's POV in the next chapter or not so let me know what you think. Do you want a whole fighting or get straight into what is happening with Izzy? Please comment and let me know what you think :D

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