Chapter Eleven - "Hell, he can have a threesome for all I care!"

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While we walk to school I decide to not make the conversation about me and try to get the scoop on who Jayna is interested in these days. She's only had about 2 boyfriends in her life, and both of the relationships lasted longer than a year. She's a very loyal and caring girl, but she's as jealous as they come. Her last boyfriend, Raymond, went to a dinner party for his cousin but she didn't believe him, so she crashed the party and ended up wrecking the surprise cake. And that wasn't even the reason the relationship ended.

"I mean there's this guy in my planned parenting class who's really interesting and gorgeous, but he's bisexual, and dating a guy who likes girls is bad enough, I'd be jealous x200." She explains.

"Are you talking about Dennis Roodel? I would climb him like a tree. Hell, he can have a threesome for all I care!" Caroline interjects. I wouldn't be surprised if Caroline started claiming him for herself. And as far as Dennis is concerned, I didn't like the fact that he had black hair.  Other than that he was a solid 7, no more, no less. I didn't even know we had bisexual students at school. I just assumed I was the only boy who liked boys.

"You need to calm down with your jealousy, none of your past boyfriends ever cheated on you, or even talked to another female species because you're the best." I say, truthfully, and she sighs. Obviously she knows I'm right.

We enter the school building and we see the devil himself walking to his locker. I push Jayna in Dennis' direction since we're pretty early. She gives me a smile, with eyes saying I will feed to your testicles to the piranhas that live in the Amazon. The rest of us went to our lockers and decided to touch base at lunch.

I went to my locker and grabbed my French book and the second I turned I saw Paul walking down the hall with Raine. To be totally honest, of all the things I expected to see today, that sight ranked in the top ten of the list. That he would think about what he said and regret it and trying to give it another go with Raine, the antichrist.

Instead of getting upset, I just put on a brave face and walk right by them as they most likely walk to her locker. I can feel him looking at me, but I don't even dare to look in his direction, or even acknowledge his existence. I just walk to French class even though I have ten minutes until it actually starts.

I just take my seat and pull my phone out of my backpack, and come to find out I got two texts from the two people occupying my mind.

Craig: 'Morning cutie :D'

Paul: 'Why didn't you look at me?'

I only responded to Craig, I'm not in the mood to talk to Paul after seeing him with his ex. Maybe I'm overreacting; maybe she just wants to stay friends but, let me tell you, you cannot just be 'friends' with a girl like her. Whether Paul likes me or not, he's dated women and had sex with women, so he's obviously not gay gay.

I think he might be confused. I don't think he really likes me, he probably thinks he does. Once he realizes that he doesn't I can just be with Craig. I think this just answered the question of who I want. There's just something about Craig that I really like, like I can be totally myself around him and I wouldn't feel weird. I like the comfort he gives me when we're together. And his kissing abilities are divine.

As French goes on, I drift in and out of consciousness. I just want Craig to hold my hand, or kiss me like he did yesterday. I just want him. But I did take what Jayna said to heart this morning, what if he is just using me for sex? How am I supposed to deal with that? I'm hoping that she'll be wrong, but a lot can be hidden at eye level.

I mindlessly enter English, not even paying attention until mid-text to Craig I bump into a body and drop my phone. I immediately apologize and when I look up I don't know what I'm apologizing for. He's just burning his eyes into my head, and I don't know what to say anymore. I just walk away to my seat, still feeling his eyes on me. The bell for class to start rings and we look up and wait for our assignment task.

What We Want, What We Get (a boy x boy novel)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя