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theoneandonlyfrnkiero: fuck you

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: asshole

geewaysupergay: woah?? okay

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: holy shit

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: that wasn't meant for you

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: oh my god i'm so sorry

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: gee?? gee that wasn't at you

geewaysupergay: oh okay

geewaysupergay: who was it for then?

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: this dude who called me some rude shit

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: decided to just tell him to fuck off

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: just blocked him

geewaysupergay: well weren't they a rude one

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: yea

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: rude bitch motherfucker i'll beat their health in

geewaysupergay: don't swear it's bad for your head

geewaysupergay: i have no evidence but it is probably very bad for your health

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: whatever

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: i'm still pissed at them

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: sorry

geewaysupergay: it's okay

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: still got the gay username??

theoneandonlyfrnkiero: because istg you're gay

geewaysupergay: what are you talking about

geewayNOTGAYSHUTUPFRNK: im not a gay


frnnnnnk: yea you are i know you are

frnnnnnk: bet you my heart you are

geewayNOTGAYSHUTUPFRNK: your heart??


frnnnnnk: that's swearing that's bad and yes my heart

geewayNOTGAYSHUTUPFRNK: why your heart??

frnnnnnk: bc i need my heart to live to i'm saying i bet my life

frnnnnnk: just in a really weird way

geewayNOTGAYSHUTUPFRNK: you'e so strange, frankie

frnnnnnk: frankie??

geewayNOTGAYSHUTUPFRNK: yea, you're frankie

geewayNOTGAYSHUTUPFRNK: that's your name

geewayNOTGAYSHUTUPFRNK: frankie??

frnnnnnk: whatever gee gee

geewayNOTGAYSHUTUPFRNK: aw you gave me a nickname

frnnnnnk: you're not normally this flirty

geewayNOTGAYSHUTUPFRNK: flirty?? why what are you talking about, little frankie? ;)

frnnnnnk: i'm leaving

frnnnnnk: blocked

frnnnnnk: reported

frnnnnnk: suspended

frnnnnnk: removed

geewayNOTGAYSHUTUPFRNK: pls stop ily stop

frnnnnnk: you love me??

frnnnnnk: gee?

read 14:32

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