Chapter 1

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I get pushed by shoulders, vast and minor, towards the exit door. The corridor is filled with people shouting on top of their voices in enthusiasm, praising the summer. It's a chaotic situation, not something I'm fond of. I sigh, here comes the summer vacation. I know this sounds unusual but really, for me summer vacations are tedious.

The entire day you have nothing planned to do, at least I don't. You see, I'm not the kind who socializes with people often, in fact, I don't even have folks who I could publicly call as friends. People who interact with me? The bully- Paul Greene, the mean girls- Ashley, Isla and Ava. In addition to these individuals, I have the strangers who curse and loath me for no cause at all.  

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My long, straight light brown hair flip onto my face because of the strong wind. I ditch the idea of walking back home and instead, decide to call a cab. The crowd surrounding me has successfully pushed me to the door and some individuals are looking at me with disgusted eyes and are talking about the clothes I'm wearing. What's wrong in baggy, green jeans and a loose gray sweatshirt? They're comfortable, not like the super tight clothes girls around here wear. I think about the simplicity that was present when we were not in high school. Nobody cared what people wore! They took into consideration the qualities of the individual and sometimes the looks. I must say, I do have good looks. I have high cheekbones with a beautiful light color of lips that are just the perfect size and shape. I have an amazingly sea green color to my eyes and long eyelashes that touch my cheeks when I look down. My eyelids are naturally an attractive shade of lavender and my hair is silky and smooth with many shades, naturally present in them. I don't wear loose clothes because I have a bad figure. To be precise, I have the perfect curves and an intriguing figure. I just can't bear those tight clothes confining me from even breathing at liberty. I could easily prove to be the most appealing girl around, but I simply don't care.

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I reach the basketball court that is placed right outside the school and take my phone out to book a cab. The app says my cab's around the corner so I head towards the main gates. That's when I trip and fall, face first, on the floor. I realize I just tripped on a rope held by Paul and his mates. Perfect start to the summer, my mind declares. I can feel my face turning red with embarrassment and I feel a tinge of pain on my knees and nose. Everybody's heads turn towards me and the basketball court an utterly silent moment threats the entire court, when everybody starts to laugh. The story of my life. I hear some people saying things like, "Nice one, Paul", "Aww, the baby fell! It's about to cry!" and "The girl deserved it! Good one, Paul!". These phrases sting me and I shout that I didn't deserve it and that Paul has done no good deed and that everybody is full of pure dumbness over here! Only, I don't. All I do is get up, look at the floor and head to the path. The cab's there, and I sit in it. I think, this summer I need a transformation and I get this feeling that this start is going to get me either somewhere great, or literally nowhere. 

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