Interlude: Potential

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"Mason Pines?"


The classroom giggled. This was normal for Dipper. He turned to his sister to find a warm smile on her face.

"Mabel Pines?"

"Here!" Mabel replied.

Dipper tuned out whatever his teacher begun to say. He began to doodle on his notebook.

"Excuse me, Mr. Pines"

This broke Dipper's focus from his paper. "What?"

"Can you name one of the 3 authors of the Federalist Papers?" She asked.

"Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison" he responded immediately going back to his doodles.

"That is correct" the teacher sighed.

"Nice one bro!" Mabel whispered to him.


The bell rung, indicating the end of the twins' US History class.

They got up in unison and were on their way out the door when;

"Mr. Pines, can I see you for a moment?" Mrs. Williams asked.

"You go ahed Mabes, save me a seat" Dipper said to his sister.

She nodded, "See you at lunch Dip"

He headed to the teacher's desk.

"Mason. You and I both know you're very intelegent. So why waste your time doodling nonsense in class. You obviously know the material, and you seem to at least somewhat enjoy it. So why not try a little harder. You cannot improve unless you challange yourself!"

"I don't want to be a historian Mrs. Williams, I know what I want to do. Its just that this class doesn't help me get the-"

"And tell me Mr. Pines. How does doodles of monsters and coded messages help you get anywhere?" She said holding up a sketch book with his name on it.

Dipper took the sketchbook out of her hands. He looked at the ground in shame.

"Look Mason. You are very talented. But this. This. Hobby, of yours, won't get you anywhere. Forgive me for saying so, but you're wasting your potential." She stated.

Dipper sighed. "I know ma'am, you told me this at parent teacher conferences."

"But I haven't seen any changes. Next time i see you, i would like to see you more engaged. You are dismissed." Mrs. Williams said.

Walking out, her voice repeated in his head; "nonsense" "wasting potential" "wasting time"


"Hey Dip?"


"You ok? You've barely touched your food"

"School food is awful" Dipper replied.

Mabel laughed. "Yeah. But you look sad. Are you ok?"

"Mrs. Williams"

"Did she tell you the 'potential thing' again?" She asked.

Dipper nodded. "It's starting to get to me"

Mabel rubbed his back. "Don't worry dipstick. If it makes you feel any better, I think you have great potential!"

Dipper smiled. "You think so?"

"I know so! Awkward sibling hug?" She opened her arms.

"Awkward sibling hug."

They hugged.

"Pat. Pat"

(I'm back nerds! I'm working on a lot of things at once right now. I tend to work on stuff sporadically, when I get inspiration. So I'm just gonna say, the next chapter is done when its done. I'll be working on lots of different stories and projects at once because that's how I work best. So yeah. Be patient please. I beg of you. Anyways, have a nice day))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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