Chapter 2: Numb Pain

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(Song: Colors, by Halsey)

Dipper's head rung like a huge bell. The desperate calls from his sister to stay alive, seemed so distant. Her voice was desperate and it seemed to be getting quieter and more distant as the ringing became stronger. He struggled to keep his eyes open, but the fight that surprisingly lasted only minutes, drained and exhausted him. Mentally and physically. The love his sister had could keep anyone alive with her warmth, but in this case, it wasn't enough. 

The last thing he heard as his eyes slowly closed was his sister yelling his name.

Dipper Pines felt calm.

He opened his eyes slowly only to find the setting was completely different. Stars, startdust, and galaxies was all he could see. He was looking around when a small blue light caught his attention. It gave off no sound, but it seemed to be calling him. He reached out to touch it, then it stuck to his hand and left a large blue mark on his hand, in the shape of a rectangle. He looked up to see more tiny lights starting to surround him. All of them fit together like puzzeles, but he didnt notice. All he could think about was the horrible pain in his head. Then suddenly crazy and sparatic tought patters appered in his brain, with information. Dates, Names, memories, with no context. A multitude of knoledge flooded his brain that no human should have, he felt the pain, an he hated how much he loved it. He felt big, powerful. Knowledge he had never come across were all at his disposal. Then as soon as everything came. A sinle thought pushed everything out of the way.

"Mabel" he breathed weakly.

Then suddenly the space around him melted and he felt like he was falling. 

He landed on a bed of midnight colored Chrysanthemum flowers.

(A/n: it's up I did it. I diddly darn did it. Now you can all stop internally screaming at me. Please stop I already have my own internal screaming to worry about. But yeah. Took me long enough huh? And yeah. Thanks for sticking with me. "I really hope you get it. And you don't live to regret it" -Wicked. Also is musical theater a fandom? Cause if so. SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!)

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