We finish our milk and I go and wash up the dishes.
"Josh, if you want to use the shower, it's upstairs second right!" I yell from the top of the stairs.
"Okay!" He yells back. I smile, as I hear the shower start to run. He better not take very long! Good thing I did the laundry, he has got a fresh towel to use. Not fresh clothes apparently. Oh well he's a man, he'll find something. I dry the cups and plates from the past 9 days and put them away. The shower stops running and a door opens.
"Hey is it okay if I can use some of your shampoo?" He yells.
"Yes, as long as you don't use all of it!" I yell back. The door shuts again, and the shower runs also.

After a while of me waiting nearly 4 minutes, (I know, SUCH a long time!) I see him come out in a towel and drenched yellow hair. I laugh.
"You look like a wet dog!" I laugh. I see him blush a warm pink.
"Come on! I just wanted to grab my shirt from downstairs!" He said. I continue laughing falling on the couch and laughing more. He was wearing a white towel around his waist and I see his 'tyler' tattoo below his knee.
"You and Tyler must be great friends from the tattoos saying each other's names." I say.

Josh goes back upstairs to get dressed into his old clothes and I sit on the couch. I think, well now that I'm up I might as well stay up, so I do so. Walking to the kitchen, I pick up Josh's sweater that he wore yesterday and put it on. I mean, you can all relate right? I pull out a bowl and milk, with my waffle crisp in the cupboard, along with a spoon and made breakfast, a well-needed food source. Josh comes downstairs, and sits on the same chair he was at before he had is shower. He was wearing his skinny black jeans but was shirtless. Again.
"Josh where's your shirt?" I asked taking a munch of my waffle crisp.
"I should be asking if you had any more of your waffle crisp." He says staring at my bowl.
"There's bowls and waffle crisp in the cupboard and in the fridge there is some milk, and in the top right drawer is spoons, forks, and knives." I say taking another bite off my spoon.
"My shirt smells really bad that's why I'm not wearing it, but where's my Nike sweater?" He says, expecting an answer.
"It's on you. Can I please have it back?" He asks.
"Naw." I say taking another spoonful of my cereal.
"Pleze." He asks again.
"Naw." I repeat. He ends up getting out of his seat, coming into the kitchen and starts to tickle me. I collapse in a pile of laughter, as I lay down on the floor.
"Fine! You can have your sweater!"  I say between laughs.
"Great." He says smiling at me.

Time skip three hours- brought to you by Patrick's nickname 'Stumpy'...

After watching about two hours of (y/f/programme), and Josh scrolling through his Instagram, we start planning the day, as Josh needs to go get some new clothes on, and I need to talk to my brother, Ben about the funeral times. He came back from a 6-week trip in New Zealand yesterday, and he is planning the funeral so I need to call him. I get out my iPhone, and press the phone icon on the glass screen. I dial his mobile, and it starts to ring.
"Hey sis! How are you?" He says in a coo voice.
"Yeah I'm good Ben. How was your trip?" I ask.
"It was great. I got to do three interviews including the Prime Minister, Bill English and Ritchie McCaw!" He says excitedly.

"I saw the picture of you and Josh Dun on Instagram, and the caption 'with my good fren at Taco Bell'... could you explain?" He continues.
"You can ask Josh yourself Ben!" I say putting my phone on speaker.
"Hi Josh!" He says.
"You must be (y/n)'s brother! Hi!" He says back.
"Okay so Ben has a question for you," I start.
"I saw your latest Instagram post and I liked it of course, but could you explain how you two are friends?" He starts. I sigh.
"Ben, he's my good friend." I say. He sighs, and I continue. "It was announced ages ago!We have known each other for nearly a month now!" I finish.
"Well then... I'm excited to meet the one and only Josh Dun later today. The funeral starts at 12:30." Ben says.
"And... Willow and her fiancée are coming too. Sisters need each other, even if she lives in Perth. I talked to her and she is meant to be landing now so I got to finish driving." He says.
"Okay bro, see you soon."
"See you!" He says before hanging up.

Harpoon ✔ (Josh Dun x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora