Point of No Return

Start from the beginning

With a sigh, Dean's thoughts flashed to his little brother. Sam's blood was impure, tainted by the darkness of demons. Technically, Sam was a monster too. Even though Sam was human through and through, he had demon blood running through his veins. Dean himself had once called his brother a monster, but yet Dean loved him all the same. Once other hunter had learned the truth about Sam, they were itching to kill him, the kid who was once destined to become the boy king, leader of the demon army, the true vessel of Lucifer himself. Dean had refused to let anyone lay a finger on Sam's head –and anyone who tried wound up dead–. Despite knowing what Sam was and what he was supposed to become, Dean was determined to keep him safe. That had been his job after all, and that would never change. In the end, Sam had turned out alright. He was the strongest, kindest, and most courageous person Dean knew. Despite everything, Dean had always managed to bring his brother back from the edge of destruction. Although, if Sam had gone dark side, Dean wasn't so sure he would have ever had the strength to kill his brother.

In the face of this new challenge, Dean wasn't so sure he'd be able to kill this child either. In the beginning, he had wanted nothing more to get rid of her, to stop this mess before it had all started. Now though, Dean wondered if he would have ever been able to go through with it. Dean wasn't so sure he wanted to know the answer to that question. It wasn't like the child had chosen to be a Nephilim, just like Sam hadn't asked to have demon blood in his body.

Deep down, Dean knew that if someone tried to harm his daughter now, he would do everything in his power to stop them. He hated that there was already a price on her head. She would always have to be watching her back. There would always be someone out there who would want her dead. It was the same with Sam, despite all the good he had done, some hunter still felt like Sam didn't deserve to live because of what he was. Dean hoped that he could keep her away from all that danger and help her lead as normal a life as possible. Most of all, Dean hoped that he could raise her right, and keep her away from the clutches of evil. Although, he didn't think he'd have the strength to kill her if she crossed to the dark side. It had been the same way with his Amazon daughter Emma. If Sam hadn't come in and stopped her, Dean didn't know if he would have been able to do it. She had been a part of him, just like this little girl was. If it came down to killing this child in order to save the world, Dean knew he would let the world end.

He knew this because he had done the same with Sam. Dean had been willing to go to hell for Sam, willing to let everyone else suffer, willing to let the world end for the sake of his brother. When Meg had possessed Sam and tortured Jo, Dean couldn't pull the trigger to stop him. Sam was just too important to him. That level of love and devotion to someone was dangerous, especially in this line of business. That meant Dean was vulnerable and all the monsters had known it, used it to their advantage. Now because of his love for this little girl, she would have an even bigger target on her back. Not just because of what she was, but also because of how much Dean loved her. He couldn't let her suffer at the hands of another. Dean would die to protect this child, just like he would die to protect his brother.

Dean was suddenly shaken from his gloomy thoughts as he felt something fluttering inside him. It was an odd tickling sensation, unlike anything he'd ever experienced. With wide eyes, he looked down again at his smooth round stomach. Underneath his palm, Dean felt a small pressure on his stomach. He could feel the skin stretch a little as the child inside him moved and pressed against him.

"No way..." Dean breathed in awe. He rubbed his fingers gently over the spot where he felt the baby move. The skin was just as smooth and freckled as ever, but Dean felt his heart swell with love.

Dean hadn't been expecting to feel her moving inside of him. Of course, he'd heard stories of women being able to feel their babies kicking inside them, but he hadn't expected those stories to be true. Knowing that his child was alive and moving around filled Dean with a sense of pride. Soon, he was going to be able to hold this child in his arms. Somehow, this still didn't seem completely real to him.

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