Chapter 117

Mulai dari awal

Kerry finished, "Whenever you are ready." She waited with the needle readied in her hand. Diane closed her eyes to focus her concentration. I also tried to make my blood glow. I always tried, but nothing ever happened.

No matter how much I wanted to help someone in an imaginary 'bitten-by-zombies' scenario, my Heartfire barely stirred. If I shifted my focus to protecting them, then it surged higher to lend its strength and speed, but that wasn't what I needed. I needed to want to help by changing my blood, not fight.

Diane seemed to be spacing out, so at least she was making progress. I gave up my own attempt in favor of watching her. Goosebumps started traveling down her arms as she picked up her belt knife and sliced her palm open.

The moment she started to move Ace also cut his hand with his belt knife in an identical fashion. Glowing silver blood flowed out of Diane's cut while bright red blood flowed from Ace's hand. Kerry inserted her needle into Diane's other arm as Diane held out her hand to Ace.

Ace pressed his fresh cut on his hand onto her cut and held it there. Diane opened up her eyes and looked at Ace. He was looking at her silvery eyes in curiosity. It was odd to see her without blue eyes. Diane's focus was clearly set on holding the chill as her head started to waver a bit. Her breathing was very heavy.

She pulled away from Ace, and Kerry used that as a signal to stop. Diane shook her head to clear it as she wrapped a cloth around her cut. It would be gone by sunrise. One of the biggest perks of having the Heartfire was the rapid healing.

Ace bound up his own hand more carefully. His injury would heal faster now that the beginnings of Heartfire were in his system, but it would still take over a week. Diane was once more tired. Ace looked at the glowing vials, "That was interesting. I did feel the chill."

I remembered it as well. It had felt like Diane had put an icepack on my bite. Clearly Ace noticed it as well. Kerry put the six vials in the cooler and chuckled, "In a few hours, you will wish that the chill is all you feel."

Ace shrugged and seemed unconcerned. Kerry passed Diane a mini chocolate before leaving the room with the vials. Diane would rest for a few minutes before leaving. My Heartfire had stirred once more with her in this condition.

We watched Diane climb the ladder and head to her room for a nap. She planned on keeping Ace company most of the night. I didn't see how she would manage it. After giving blood, she usually slept soundly until dawn. She would still waken if someone entered the house, but that was about it.

Ace already knew the drill and started slowly jogging around the perimeter of the meadow. I jogged beside him to keep him company. Diane would have wanted me to and I did enjoy Ace's quiet companionship.

Three hours later, many fired people were heading out for their own runs when Diane appeared on the ledge. I frowned in slight concern. She was clearly still very tired, although she no longer looked like she was about to fall over.

Ace and I were walking at this point. Ace may be in excellent shape, but he still had a long night ahead of him. Diane waited for us to walk along the path to where she was standing. She started walking along beside us once we reached her, "How are you holding up?"

Ace replied, "I can definitely feel the ache, but it isn't that bad yet. Probably because it was just a small entry wound as opposed to an injection. I have felt worse after several training sessions with you."

"Give it time. Thankfully the worst should be over by sunrise. It is going to be a long night. Amber doesn't expect anything the first three days after someone is fired. It gives them time to get used to things."

Ace nodded, "Good to know, but I will still help where I can. I am looking forward to helping with the fighting training later on."

Diane glanced at me, "Thanks for keeping him company. Don't forget to get your own run in before bed."

I nodded, "I will go now. Todd is waiting for me anyways."

Diane glanced around before finally spotting Todd leaning against the cliff. She had obviously not recovered yet if she hadn't noticed him. He wasn't that far away. I was grateful that she wasn't going to leave the meadow.

The sentries would raise an alarm if any type of danger approached. More than enough time for even Diane's current slower pace to get to the top of the cliff. I slowly jogged away, reluctant to leave her undefended.

Actually, if I thought about it, with Ace beside her, any potential threat would have picked the wrong battle. Diane was still carrying her weapons. Even a tired Diane and a sore Ace would be a deadly combination to mess with. Others with Heartfire had already returned from their run and were watching them.

Whenever Diane gave blood, those with Heartfire watched her as their own Heartfire stirred protectively. She may have rested some, but she still wasn't recovered enough to prevent the others' Heartfire from stirring. They would help her if anything occurred.

I reached Todd and he grinned at me before leading the way. Todd's glance back showed that his own Heartfire didn't want to leave Diane unprotected. He kept going though. I sped up to pass by him and it turned into an impromptu race.

His legs were longer and he was older, but his Heartfire still wasn't quite as established as mine was. I could use the heat, and I did use it to beat him to the gate. It was a close call, but I managed it. I wouldn't manage it in another couple of months.

I would still probably be more agile than Todd, or any adult, but in a long run on flat ground, it wouldn't be long before they could beat me as easily as Diane could. Once outside, I let Todd take the lead just to make him happy since he was still sulking about losing the race.

Todd could easily run as long as I could now, and we simply ran for an hour or so before returning. His eyes glowed as brightly in the darkness as mine did. We entered the gate and I could see Diane still walking with Ace along the cliff.

The person who was newly fired was supposed to keep moving as long as they could the first day, and I suspected that Ace would manage to go most of the night before needing a rest. I headed to bed since I knew that Diane would send me there anyway.

A Different Virus - Laura's StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang