01. Jasmine

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ayeitsjazzy late night adventures☄

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ayeitsjazzy late night adventures☄

liked by kasey.benson, jackj and 320.8k others
view all 574 comments

jasminesbae gorgeous😍

jasminestrash ew

sammywilk it's late, you should be inside

jackj how's the New York life treating you?

ayeitsjazzy jackj amazing, you should visit sometime

jasminesucks what a hoe

wilkinsongoals Sammy is such an overprotective brother😂

luvforwilks jasminesucks how though?

madisonbeer you have to come back to LA soon

jasmineobsessed mom😍

marcusdobre cute😍💙

ayeitsjazzy marcusdobre thanks...

dobrequeenie ayeitsjazzy back off, he's my man

ayeitsjazzy dobrequeenie you can have him

jasminesabitch sammywilk how are you related to her ugly ass?😷

jasminesmain jasminsabitch do you need your eyes checked?

ayeitsjazzy jasminesabitch it's okay boo, I wonder that everyday

jasminesabitch jasminesmain my eyes are fine

mazzyvibes jasminesabitch obviously not😂

marcusdobre liked your picture

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